Less Annoying CRM is a customer relationship management solution built for small businesses. Thousands of small businesses use Less Annoying CRM to manage contacts, track leads, and stay on top of follow-ups.
In this article, you'll learn how to connect your LeadsBridge account
with Less Annoying CRM.
Connect Less Annoying CRM integration
Before you start
Head over to the left sidebar and click on the Create new Bridge button
Select your integrations in the selectors
Click on the Continue button at the bottom right
Authorize Less Annoying CRM integration
Setup your Less Annoying CRM integration
Click on Connect Less Annoying CRM
Click on Create new integration to connect your Less Annoying CRM (or select an existing one from the dropdown if you already connected it)
A popup wil be opened where you can authorize the Less Annoying CRM integration
Fill API Token, User Code, Pipeline Ids and Status Ids field to connect Less Annoying CRM with LeadsBridge
Click on the Authorize button
You can choose a name for this Less Annoying CRM and LeadsBridge integration (you can also edit it later)
Once done, click on Continue button and you will get back to the bridge experience where you could choose additional integration settings
Now that your Less Annoying CRM is connected, you can continue with the set-up of your bridge
Configuration details for Less Annoying CRM
How to get API Token, User Code, Pipeline Ids and Status Ids
To find your API Token and User Code you should do the following: 1. Login inside your Less Annoying CRM 2. Go to Settings > View more settings options on the top right menu 3. Click on Developer API option, under the More Features section, or click here: https://www.lessannoyingcrm.com/app/settings/api 4. Then, click on Generate a new API token 5. Copy the User Code and API Token 6. Then, paste them inside your LeadsBridge integration 7. Go back to Less Annoying CRM, select and copy the Pipeline Ids and Status Ids data as shown in the following screenshot: 8. Go back to Leadsbridge, and paste the data you copied inside the field Pipeline Ids and Status Ids 9. The data on your integration should look similar as the one in the following screenshot:
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Which entity concepts we support for Less Annoying CRM
With LeadsBridge you may use these entity concepts for Less Annoying CRM.
Contacts can be users who have shown interest in your product/service, or existing customers.
Which segmentation concepts we support for Less Annoying CRM
With LeadsBridge you may use these segmentation concepts for Less Annoying CRM.
In Less Annoying CRM, pipelines are a set of statuses that you can attach to a contact/company to keep track of a process in relation to that contact. ( Learn more)
Common questions for Less Annoying CRM
How the pipeline and status works?
You can add or retrieve the contacts filtered by pipeline and status selecting the list on the dropdown.
How can I add a Custom Field into my bridge?
In order to add your Less Annoying CRM's Custom Field into the Fields Mapping step of your bridge, you should follow the steps below:
1. Go into the Integrations area, or click here: https://leadsbridge.com/app/integrations
2. Click on your Less Annoying CRM integration name
3. Then, click on Settings on the left column
4. Type your Custom Field name inside the Custom Fields box and press enter
5. Click on Finish to save your changes
6. Go into the Fields Mapping step of your bridge
7. Click on the Don't find a Less Annoying CRM custom field? drop-down menu and select your custom field
8. Then, click on Map this field
9. The custom field should be added into the Fields Mapping
10. Assign the value you want to match from your source
11. Finally, click on Next to save your new fields matching and publish your bridge
Can I configure Leadsbridge to create a new lead if one with the same email already exists?
Sure, if a lead already exists in your list but you wish to sync a new one with the same email address, you should allow LeadsBridge to create duplicates
In your integration settings, set the toggle “Allow duplicates” to YES.
What means the error "(-1) Missing Required field: OpportunityId"?
This error message launched by the CRM often refers to a missing PipelindId in the integration configuration.