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How to connect ActiveCampaign with LeadsBridge

Integrate ActiveCampaign with LeadsBridge



ActiveCampaign is a leading marketing automation tool for SMBs, designed to help you to improve your business through email marketing. Moreover, ActiveCampaign allows you to create automated follow-up sequences to your leads and clients.

In this article, you'll learn how to connect your LeadsBridge account with ActiveCampaign.

Connect ActiveCampaign integration

Before you start

  1. Head over to the left sidebar and click on the Create new Bridge button
  2. Select your integrations in the selectors
  3. Click on the Continue button at the bottom right

Authorize ActiveCampaign integration

Setup your ActiveCampaign integration

  1. Click on Connect ActiveCampaign
  2. Click on Create new integration to connect your ActiveCampaign (or select an existing one from the dropdown if you already connected it)
  3. A popup wil be opened where you can authorize the ActiveCampaign integration
  4. Fill API URL, API Key field to connect ActiveCampaign with LeadsBridge
  5. Click on the Authorize button
  6. You can choose a name for this ActiveCampaign and LeadsBridge integration (you can also edit it later)
  7. Once done, click on Continue button and you will get back to the bridge experience where you could choose additional integration settings
  8. Now that your ActiveCampaign is connected, you can continue with the set-up of your bridge

Configuration details for ActiveCampaign

Other Info

1. Log into your ActiveCampaign account
2. Click on Settings at the bottom left of the menu
3. Settings menu will open on the right, click on Developer
4. Copy the API Access URL and Key, then paste it inside your LeadsBridge integration page

You can find further information in the following link: ( Learn more)

Which entity concepts we support for ActiveCampaign

With LeadsBridge you may use these entity concepts for ActiveCampaign.

  1. Contact

    A contact in ActiveCampaign is defined by an email address. A contact can (and often does) have additional information, but it cannot exist without an email address. ( Learn more)

Which segmentation concepts we support for ActiveCampaign

With LeadsBridge you may use these segmentation concepts for ActiveCampaign.

  1. Tag

    Tags as a way to organize (or segment) and categorize contacts. Essentially, people created tags to enable a deeper level of segmentation beyond what was available with traditional email marketing services. ( Learn more)
  2. List

    Lists are the broadest segments you can create of your contacts. Put another way, lists are the first layer of segmentation. ( Learn more)
  3. Segment

    Segments are dynamic groups of contacts that share similar characteristics or behaviors. When you segment contacts, you can send more accurately targeted messages that genuinely interest them. They are pretty useful for retargeting purpose. Inside ActiveCampaign you have lists, tags and custom fields at your disposal to create saved segments. ( Learn more)

Common questions for ActiveCampaign

How to create custom fields in ActiveCampaign?

To create custom fields in your ActiveCampaign account just follow these steps: 1. Click Lists in the top menu to navigate to the Lists Overview. 2. Select the Manage Fields button 3. Click on + New Custom Field 4. Select the custom field format you want, enter the name of the field and Save your settings! You can find further information in the following link:

Can I tag my leads besides syncing them to a list?

Yes, of course! Tagging leads directly from LeadsBridge can be useful to identify them once transferred in your ActiveCampaign lists. You'll be able to tag your leads inside the Fields Matching step of the bridge. To add tags, you should add the Custom Field called Tags while on the Fields Matching step, then enter your tag names separated by commas like in the example below.

Why is my Custom Audience/Offline Conversions still in syncing?

It could be that your Custom Audience or Offline Conversions has been set to a 6 hours sync time. Typically, we suggest syncing your audience every 24 or 48 hours due to ActiveCampaign's API is a little slow to be able to process all your contacts in a 6 hours time range. Avoiding this suggestion will probably cause your Custom Audiences to enter a syncing loop (that restarts your sync process each 6 hours).

How to enable double opt-in confirmation?

To activate the Double Opt-in feature on LeadsBridge side you should follow these two steps: - Switch to YES the Double Opt-in toggle on the Destination Step of your bridge - Add the Form id custom field on the Field Matching step of your bridge and match it with the form ID value.

How to connect Facebook leads to ActiveCampaign?

To connect Facebook leads to ActiveCampaign, you can use the ActiveCampaign Facebook Lead Ads integration provided by LeadsBridge. 


This integration allows marketers to automatically sync lead data from Facebook Lead Ads to ActiveCampaign without any manual handling of CSV files. The lead data is synced in real-time, enabling you to reach out to your newly acquired leads as soon as they interact with your ad, giving you a significant advantage over your competitors. 


By sending all incoming leads from Facebook Lead Ads directly to a designated list in ActiveCampaign, they can receive an autoresponder right away.

( Learn more)

How to connect ActiveCampaign to Facebook’s other products?

Besides the Facebook Lead Ads and ActiveCampaign integration, there are several integrations available on LeadsBridge that allow you to connect ActiveCampaign to Facebook and enhance both tools’ functionalities significantly:



  • ActiveCampaign and Facebook Conversions API integration: Facebook CAPI allows you to send information back to Facebook through server-to-server tracking, without relying on cookies. The integration with ActiveCampaign provides better tracking and improved retargeting capabilities.

    Check the detailed documentation for this integration.


  • ActiveCampaign and Facebook Custom Audiences integration: This integration enables you to leverage the lead information stored within your CRM to create custom audiences for retargeting ads. By connecting ActiveCampaign to Facebook Custom Audiences with LeadsBridge, you can keep your audiences updated and compliant, as it ensures that new incoming leads are automatically included in the audience, while opted-out leads are automatically excluded. 

    For more information, take a look at the detailed documentation.


  • ActiveCampaign and Facebook Conversion Leads integration: This integration allows you to prioritize specific campaigns and show your ads to users who are most likely to become paying customers. By targeting users according to the lead status stored within your CRM, this integration helps optimize the quality of your leads rather than just focusing on lead volume.

    To learn how to connect ActiveCampaign to Facebook Conversion Leads on LeadsBridge, check out the detailed documentation.


Do you need help?

Here some additional resources:


ActiveCampaign integrations: How to get started with LeadsBridge

The Ultimate ActiveCampaign Review

The best Facebook Lead Ads CRM integrations for your marketing campaigns