The arrival of Facebook Lead Ads was like an earthquake in the Advertising world. LeadsBridge is registering new advertising agencies specializing in lead acquisition through Lead Ads from across the globe, including enterprises that allocate 80% of their budgets to Lead Ads campaigns.
But… (Yes, there’s a “but”—isn’t there always?)
Despite the rapid global adoption and heavily devoted cash, many advertisers still do not realize the true power of Lead Ads. Today, I’d like to share with you some unconventional ways to use Lead Ads to get more conversions and improve your business funnel.
1) Create better Lookalike Audiences
I love Lookalike Audiences. They’re so powerful and cheap that I use them in almost all of my own campaigns.
The problem of Lookalike Audiences built with a Customer List (importing your email database on Facebook), is that the matching is still poor. This is especially true if you have an old email database or a B2B database.
Today, an excellent scenario is a Custom List audience with 50% matching.
For this reason, I started using Facebook Lead Ads on mobile devices to improve my Customer Lists audiences—and, consequently, the Lookalike Audience built on each of them.
Lead Ads pushes the same data used on the Facebook profile, so collecting leads with Lead Ads can bring a matching near 100%.
Collecting leads is still the main reason to use Lead Ads. But investing in Lead Ads with the goal of creating a better Lookalike Audience is definitely a good reason to increase and differentiate your target.
LeadsBridge customers are using our Lead Ads Form => Custom Audience bridge, which gives them the ability to create an Audience with the highest matching possible.
2) Improve Email Deliverability
This is huge. Even if most marketers simply don’t concern themselves with Email Deliverability, this is a real problem today in email marketing strategies.
Every day, email providers are becoming increasingly more aggressive in filtering mass emails. Lead Ads is your best ally in this inbox fight.
Bloggers, solopreneurs, and e-commerce businesses have started building Mailing Lists, collecting subscribers by just asking for their email addresses.
While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it can create a problem when your autoresponder needs to deliver your emails.
In fact, having more personal data improves Email Deliverability because it educates the email provider in recognizing you as a good sender.
To achieve this, you can retarget your list on Facebook with Lead Ads and ask people on your list to fill a form again in exchange for a gift—BUT you can’t only ask for email addresses 🙂 .
Here the four steps to improve your deliverability with Lead Ads:
Step 1: Create a new Audience by importing your Mailing List on Facebook
Step 2: Create a new Lead Ads campaign asking for at least four pieces of information: first name, last name, email, and phone (or city)
To have the best conversion here, give something for free—such as a white paper, a checklist, or an e-book.
Step 3: Download the CSV, and import the collected leads on your CRM/ESP
Obviously, the collected leads are already in your database, but you can overwrite them by adding the new information collected (i.e., first name, last name, and phone).
Just download the CSV file and upload on your provider. You can also use LeadsBridge Lead Ads Sync tool to make it a more seamless process.
Here’s a video showing how we do this with Mailchimp:
Step 4: Insert the collected data in your email footer
Now that you have more data from your subscribers, just insert the placeholders in your email footer. Then, email providers—Gmail, MS, Yahoo, and so on—can better evaluate that you are a legitimate sender.
3) Improve your segmentation
As most entrepreneurs prefer to collect just a few pieces of information when it comes to list-building, or even just to ask for the email address, list segmentation is still crucial to improving results from your marketing efforts.
Segmentation brings a better open rate and click through rate in email marketing. It also improves the conversions on your advertising campaigns.
So why not ask for additional information AFTER a subscriber is on your list?
Also, here, you can use the same process of approach No. 2, bringing your list on Facebook and retargeting those on it with Lead Ads, asking one simple question regarding their interests, their problems, and so on.
To do that, you need to create a form with just one question (and the email address), like the example below.
Once you’ve collected the additional data, you can export the Lead Ad Form CSV and import it into your CRM/ESP. You can also sync automatically using LeadsBridge.
One of the most appreciated features of LeadsBridge Lead Ads Sync tool is that you can segment your list using questions.
Below is a quick guide showing how we do this with Infusionsoft:
Step 1: Create the sequences
Create 3 different sequences to segment your leads as they come in from Lead Ads.
Step 2: Set the Decision Diamond
Set the Decision Diamond rules to apply the automation.
If you are using a different Marketing Automation tool, just follow their documentation and you’ll be able to do the same.
4) How did I do?
You know how important feedback is—and how hard it is to actually collect feedback from your customers!
Lead Ads offers the perfect solution to provide customers an easy way, in a comfortable place, to submit the feedback you crave.
It doesn’t matter how you target them. It can be through a specific thank you page of your site or even from a specific customer list of your CRM. The important thing is to offer them an easy way to send you the feedback.
Ask them just one question—or even better, ask them how you did with an NPS question or a simple multiple-choice option like “Great/Okay/Not Good.”
Here’s an example:
5) Scale your business
Have you ever wondered whether you’re offering the right things to your customers? I have—and honestly, I stopped asking questions about what is really good for my customers.
Instead, what I do ask them is what they really want—what are the specific problems they would like me to help them solve.
- A tailored service?
- A specific feature?
- An immersive course?
- New color/size/something else to choose?
It doesn’t matter what it could be. Just ask them what they really want—because, today, you have a new weapon in your pocket ready to be used to collect good feedback literally for cents.
We used this a lot to understand what our customers here at LeadsBridge really want.
We are in an era where we can collect feedback in hundreds of ways, but as in any sales funnel, you’re selling something. So you should abbreviate your funnel as much possible to increase the number of conversions.
That’s why Lead Ads is one of the best choices.
Again, the problem that comes next is the same. You can still read and analyze your CSV data or use LeadsBridge Questions Insights, which gives you a cool big-picture look at what’s going on.
LeadsBridge lets you analyze your questions, giving you in-depth data of every single answer, so you can quickly understand what’s the best choice for your next product or your next business move.
6) Lead Score + Lead Ads
CRM and Marketing Automation tools are quickly becoming the standard for online businesses and advertisements.
One of the best features of this new evolution of systems is Lead Scores.
Well, there’s nothing new in that, really. But they are more effective when you target them with a high-dollar product or service…
The tactic is really simple: search for your most valuable customers and subscribers.
Depending on how you assign certain values, you can extract people starting from 4 stars for example.
People with high Lead Scores are basically your raving fans—the people who know, like, and trust you. They’re ready to read or buy anything you have.
Here’s an example where I’m using Infusionsoft.
Step 1: Filter your email database with the Lead Score value
Step 2: Once you select selected your best leads and subscribers, just export them and create a Customer List Audience on Facebook
Step 3: Then create a Lead Ads campaign, preferably collecting relevant data, such as phone number and budget
Lead Ads is crucial in this tactic because you’re targeting the most valuable people in your database and offering them a quick and easy way to get in touch with you.
What happens quite often is that your best fans could be scared to get in touch with you. Lead Ads is a simple way that overcomes that obstacle and gives you the opportunity to sell them high-dollar products and increase revenue.
7) Validate your idea
Now let’s talk about new businesses. 🙂
If you’re a new entrepreneur, and you’re looking for praise from around the world to validate your idea, well.. you should definitely use Lead Ads.
Everyone knows how boring it is to fill out a survey form.
Lead Ads it’s not just a subscription form. Lead Ads is powerful for collecting leads and subscribers—but it’s even more powerful for collecting feedback, especially if you’re a startup.
I did the same thing with Google AdWords in 2006… and well, I spent all my $200 budget just to collect 6 poor answers.
Today, with Lead Ads—even with a small budget—you can validate your idea and ask people if they’re willing to buy your fantastic stuff. And if they really have a problem, you recognize it faster so you can try to solve it.
Lead Ads is born to increase leads and close more deals—but this is just the surface of this awesome tool. What it can actually do in reality is even more powerful.
In this post, I’ve given you some unconventional ideas on how Lead Ads can help your business, beyond the pure scope and pure lead generation that it brings.
Enjoyed the post? Please feel free to ask questions about the tactics. It would be a pleasure to help you apply them to your business. 😉