Facebook event is one of the best car dealership sales event ideas you can use for your business. It will amaze you to know that 700 million people out of Facebook’s 2.3 billion monthly active users use Facebook events every month to promote their events. In addition, 35 million people view a public event on Facebook every day. These numbers are huge and your car dealership business needs to take advantage of this car dealership sales event idea to promote an actual event.
In this article, you will learn the reasons you need to use Facebook events as part of your car dealership sales event ideas and how to create an event page on Facebook.
Let’s get started.
The reasons you need to add the Facebook event to your car dealership sales event ideas
Facebook event is a viable car dealership sales event idea because it is easy to create. It takes only a few minutes to set up your car dealership event and make it go live.
Facebook event is a car dealership sales event idea that makes your event highly visible to your fans and their friends. It allows you to invite many people to your event. For instance, when you create a new event on your Facebook page, you can assign some of your fans to be the hosts. The hosts can share the event on their timelines and invite their friends to participate.
Facebook event is a profitable car dealership sales event idea that saves you money. Instead of spending huge money advertising on the Television, Radio or Newspaper adverts, use the Facebook event to create awareness for your car dealership events. You can do it for free or boost it with a little fee to reach a wider audience.
Now, you know the reasons you need to add the Facebook event to your list of car dealership sales event ideas.
Next, you will learn how to create an event page on Facebook.
How to create an event page on Facebook
1.How to create an event page on Facebook: Log on to your Facebook business page and click on “Event”
2.How to create an event page on Facebook: Upload your image or video.
Facebook allows you to upload an image or video for your event. If you want to use an image, the aspect ratio must be 1:9:1 or 1200 x 628 pixels. If you are uploading a video, the length should be from 30 seconds to 5 minutes.
Ensure you don’t use too much text on your image.
3.How to create an event page on Facebook: Give a short name to your event.
Fill in the details of the event starting with the name. What name do you want to give your event? Facebook has a character limit of 64, so you cannot use longer names. In fact, according to Facebook, longer event names don’t perform well. This is because most Facebook users use their mobile devices to assess the platform. If you use longer names, it may not display all the texts. Ensure the name you choose is memorable. It should represent the event itself. Don’t use emojis and specific characters.
4. How to create an event page on Facebook: Add the location of the event.
Add the right address for your event. Facebook uses this data to recommend your car dealership event to users, so ensure you use correct information.
5.How to create an event page on Facebook: Add the description of the event.
Describe the details of your event so your audience can know what it is all about. Use the 5Ws formula i.e. Who, what, where, when and why when creating the description. Also, add hashtags where necessary.
6.How to create an event page on Facebook: Choose the right category for your event.
Facebook provides eight (8) different categories for your Facebook events as shown below. Choose the one that suits your car dealership event.
7.How to create an event page on Facebook: Choose the frequency for your events.
Choose the right frequency so that your audience can know when to expect the next event. The event can be daily for several days in the week. It can also be weekly or a onetime event. For instance, if it is a weekly event, you can easily set it up to be weekly, instead of setting up the event manually every week.
8.How to create an event page on Facebook: Add co-hosts to your event.
Adding co-hosts to your event is beneficial. It gives you a wider reach. The event will show on their calendar and they can publish it on their timelines and also invite their fans and friends to participate. The more co-hosts you have, the wider the coverage.
9.How to create an event page on Facebook: Add the details of your event to the page.
Add the schedule to enable them to know what your program for the event looks like.
You can add several schedules as you have it in your event program outline.
Add specific keywords that relate to your event so that people who have an interest can see it. Also, specify if the event is kid friendly or not.
10.How to create an event page on Facebook: Provide a link to where you are selling the ticket for your car dealership event.
Get a link from your ticket sales website and add it to the event page. Another option is to integrate the ticket sales with your Facebook event using Eventbrite. This helps to double your ticket sales because the users can pay for the event directly on Facebook.
11.How to create an event page on Facebook: Appropriate permission to the right people.
Set permissions for the users you want to edit and post in your event.
The guest list helps other people to know who else will attend the event, so leave it checked. It is a morale booster.
12.How to create an event page on Facebook: Review your submission
Go through the details again to ensure they are correct. Then publish your event by clicking on the Publish button.
Now you have learned how to create an event page on Facebook. The next thing is to optimize and promote your event page.
Optimizing and Promoting your Facebook event
If you want your Facebook event to be a success, you will need to optimize your it and promote it.
Below are a few optimizations tips for your Facebook event page:
- Use a Facebook business page to promote the event
- Use an attractive cover photo of 1920×1080 pixels
- Add Event co-hosts to help spread the message wider
- Share updates, tips, stories, pictures and videos to keep the attendees excited about the event
There is still more work to do after optimizing your Facebook event page. It needs thorough promotion. Promote it so that more and more people will see it. Use the invite friends, share in messenger and share as post feature of the “create event” on your Facebook page. Tell your staff to use these features to help promote the event so you can have a large distribution.
It is time to boost the event post on Facebook. Boosting the post will enable you to get even more people to attend the event.
Facebook event is one of the best car dealership sales event ideas you can use for your business. It is easy to create, it saves money, boosts sales, and creates massive awareness for businesses. You have also learned how to create an event page on Facebook. Now is the time to put it into practice. Let me ask to you a final question: are you using Facebook Lead Ads feature for your advertising campaign? If so, don’t miss our dedicated Facebook Leads Ads sync tool!