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What is a lead scoring model and how to build it: A complete guide

Effective lead management is at the core of successful marketing and sales strategies. A lead scoring model is one of the most crucial tools to achieve this. In this article, we’ll dive into the concept of lead scoring,  explore some examples, and provide a step-by-step guide on how to build a lead scoring model that can streamline your CRM and improve conversions. Additionally, we’ll explore how CRM integration can help further streamline lead management and enhance overall efficiency.

What Is a lead scoring model?

A lead scoring model is a system used to rank prospects based on their likelihood of converting into customers. It assigns a numerical value, or score, to each lead depending on their behaviors, demographics, and interactions with your brand. This scoring helps marketing and sales teams prioritize leads, focusing their efforts on those most likely to result in a sale. 

In essence, a lead scoring model helps businesses evaluate the quality of leads to ensure that marketing and sales teams invest their time and resources efficiently. That is why 68% of marketers use lead scoring models.

Why use lead scoring models?

Using a lead scoring model can significantly optimize your marketing and sales process in several ways:

  • Improved efficiency: Prioritize high-quality leads that are more likely to convert, reducing wasted effort on less-engaged prospects. On average, lead scoring turns 15-20% more prospects into qualified leads further deepening the sales pool.
  • Better alignment between sales and marketing: Lead scoring fosters clearer communication and cooperation between marketing and sales, ensuring both teams work towards shared goals.
  • Increased conversion rates: By focusing on warm leads with a higher potential to convert, you can boost your overall conversion rates.
  • Enhanced personalization: Lead scores allow for more tailored outreach strategies based on a lead’s position in the buying journey.

To read more about optimizing lead management, check out our article on lead stages.

Lead scoring model examples

Lead scoring examples based on leads' behaviour and demographic profile

Source: InvestGlass

Different types of lead scoring models can be applied or combined based on your business goals and customer base. Here are a few common examples:

1. Demographic scoring model

This model assigns scores based on demographic factors such as age, location, company size, job title, or industry. For example, a B2B company might prioritize leads from companies with over 500 employees or those holding C-level positions. These characteristics are tied to historical patterns that suggest a higher chance of conversion.

2. Behavioral scoring model

This model focuses on the actions a lead has taken, such as website visits, downloading content, attending webinars, or opening marketing emails. Leads demonstrating more engagement are scored higher because they’re exhibiting interest in your product or service.

How behavioural scoring works

Source: Outfunnel

3. Predictive lead scoring model

Using machine learning, predictive lead scoring models analyze large datasets of past leads to identify patterns that predict future conversions. These models dynamically adjust scores as new data comes in, offering a more nuanced and data-driven scoring method.

4. Negative scoring model

In some cases, certain behaviors or characteristics may lower a lead’s score. For instance, a lead with a personal email domain (e.g., Gmail or Yahoo) instead of a company email may be deemed less likely to convert and be assigned a lower score.

Each of these models can be tailored to meet the needs of your business. For more insights into lead qualification, visit our lead qualification guide.

How to build a lead scoring model in 4 simple steps

Building a lead scoring model may seem daunting, but following these steps will guide you through the process:

1. Identify key criteria

The first step is to determine the specific traits and actions that indicate a lead’s likelihood of converting. This includes:

  • Demographic factors: What attributes of your ideal customers are consistent across previous leads?
  • Behavioral factors: Which interactions with your brand (e.g., email engagement, website visits, product demos) correlate with higher conversion rates?

2. Assign values to each action or attribute

After identifying key behaviors and traits, assign point values to them based on their importance. For example:

  • Requesting a product demo: +20 points
  • Opening marketing emails: +5 points
  • Job title matches target audience: +20 points

At the same time, create negative scoring criteria for behaviors that indicate a lead may not convert (e.g., unsubscribing from your newsletter).

Examples of lead scoring models

Source: Selling Signals

3. Set a threshold for qualification

Determine the minimum score a lead needs to be passed on to your sales team. This threshold will depend on your business’s specific processes, but you should adjust it over time to balance quality and quantity.

4. Automate the scoring process with CRM

Using CRM platforms, such as those integrated through LeadsBridge, you can automate your lead scoring model, allowing real-time adjustments to a lead’s score as they engage with your brand. 

CRM integrations benefits

Source: HubSpot

LeadsBridge integrations enable you to automatically sync the leads you capture from lead generation ads (on platforms like Facebook, TikTok, LinkedIn, and Google) or directly from your lead forms with your CRM. This ensures that, if you have scoring criteria set up in your CRM, you can immediately begin qualifying leads. With this automated process, you can streamline follow-ups and ensure that both your sales and marketing teams are aligned and working with the same up-to-date data.

Explore how LeadsBridge can help optimize your CRM processes with powerful integrations that improve both lead qualification and team collaboration.

Benefits of using lead scoring features in your CRM

Implementing lead-scoring features in your CRM offers several benefits:

  • Automated lead qualification: With an integrated lead scoring system, your CRM can automatically qualify leads based on predefined scoring criteria.
  • Enhanced sales focus: Sales teams can focus on high-scoring leads, improving productivity and increasing the chances of closing deals.
  • Real-time adjustments: As new data about a lead becomes available, their score is automatically updated, ensuring that marketing and sales teams have the most accurate information.
  • Seamless integration: CRM tools integrated through LeadsBridge provide advanced automation and syncing between marketing and sales platforms, allowing for an efficient lead management system. Learn more about how LeadsBridge can automate CRM integrations here.

Conclusion: Supercharge your lead management with lead scoring

A well-built lead scoring model helps businesses prioritize the right leads, resulting in increased efficiency, improved conversion rates, and better alignment between marketing and sales teams. By understanding and implementing different lead scoring models, from demographic to behavioral, you can fine-tune your lead management strategy and drive better results.

Leverage CRM integrations, such as those provided by LeadsBridge, to automate your lead scoring model and further streamline your lead management processes. With LeadsBridge’s CRM integrations, you can sync and nurture your scored leads seamlessly across platforms, allowing you to focus on what truly matters—converting your leads into loyal customers.

Don’t miss out – companies that incorporate lead scoring into their lead generation efforts see a 77% increase in ROI compared to companies that do not.

Ready to enhance your CRM with automated lead scoring? Discover LeadsBridge integrations for CRM.

Andrew Bailey

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