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Salesforce® Facebook integrations: Everything you need to know

With billions monthly active users, Facebook is the most used online social network worldwide. Salesforce®, on the other hand, has over thousands of companies using it to grow their businesses. Create a Salesforce® Facebook integration, and you’ll have a dynamic system that cuts across online interactions and networking. 

Salesforce® CRM is designed to boost sales revenue, customer satisfaction, and marketing ROI through its user-friendly platform. It essentially streamlines lead generation, deal closure, and business growth by integrating sales, marketing, help desk, and more.

Salesforce features
Source: Salesforce

Salesforce® Facebook integration seamlessly transfers data between the two platforms. This means your sales team gets instant alerts when new leads respond to Facebook lead ads. In turn, they can run rapid responses to customer inquiries via email, phone calls, or online chats, and significantly increase your campaign’s conversions.

When you connect Facebook to Salesforce®,  you can collect your leads in a secure system that will make it easy for you to nurture, market, and target them for sales activities.

In this article, we’ll talk about all things Facebook Salesforce® integrations, such as:

How to integrate Salesforce® with Facebook?

There are two ways to set up a Salesforce® Facebook integration:

Method 1: Manual Salesforce® Facebook integration

Before you get started, remember that setting up Salesforce® Facebook Integration manually can be quite time-consuming. It also requires you to have a knowledge of Java code and HTML. 

To build a manual integration, follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a Facebook application

  • Go to and create an application.
  • Make the application live to exchange data and set up Salesforce® Facebook Integration.

Step 2: Generate a Facebook token

  • Navigate to Tools > Graph API on Facebook.
  • Generate a token as shown and save it securely.

Step 3: Log in to Salesforce®

  • Log in to Salesforce® with your credentials.

Step 4: Create a VisualForce Page

  • In Salesforce®, search for “VisualForce Page” in the search bar.
  • Create a new VisualForce Page with a suitable name, label, and visual markup for preview.
  • Click Save or Quick Save if prompted to create an Apex Class.

Step 5: Create Apex classes

  • To create an Apex Class, click your name in the upper right corner of Salesforce® and go to Developer Console.
  • Click File > New > Apex Class and provide the name “JSON2Apex” with the given code.

public with sharing class testfbpage1 { public String id1{get;set;} public String name1{get;set;} public String website1{get;set;} public String fancount1{get;set;} public testfbpage1() { Http http = new Http(); HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(); req.setEndPoint(‘,name,website,fan_count,posts&access_token=’); req.setMethod(‘GET’); HttpResponse res = http.send(req); String str = res.getBody(); JSON2Apex myClass = JSON2Apex.parse(str);; name1 =; website1 =; fancount1 = myClass.fan_count; } }

  • Create another Apex Class named “testfbpage1” with the provided code and your ID and Access Token from the Graph API. Here’s the code.

public class JSON2Apex { public String id; public String name; public String website; public String fan_count; public String posts; public class Paging{ public Cursors cursors; public String next; } public class Posts{ public List<Data> data; public Paging paging; } public class Cursors{ public String before; public String after; } public class Data{ public String created_time; public String message; public String id; public String story; } public static JSON2Apex parse(String json){ return (JSON2Apex) System.JSON.deserialize(json,JSON2Apex.class); } }

Step 6: Update the VisualForce Page

  • Update the VisualForce Page HTML box with the provided code.
  • The page will display Facebook Page details.

<apex:page controller=”testfbpage1″ title=”read data from FB Page”> <apex:pageBlock title=”Facebook Page Details”> <apex:outputText value=”{!id1}”>Page Id: </apex:outputText>/></br> <apex:outputText value=”{!name1}”>Page Name: </apex:outputText>/></br> <apex:outputText value=”{!website1}”>Page Website: </apex:outputText>/></br> <apex:outputText value=”{!fancount1}”>Page Fancount: </apex:outputText>/></br> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:page>

Step 7: Save and preview

  • Click Save and then preview it to access your data from Facebook.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully integrated Facebook leads ads data with Salesforce® manually.

Method 2: Salesforce® Facebook Integration using LeadsBridge

The most effective way is to sync data between Facebook and Salesforce® in real-time automatically. This integration comes with many unique benefits. 

It streamlines lead generation, saves your marketing team time, automates advertising insights, boosts return on ad spend (ROAS), and empowers your sales team to follow up faster and win more deals.

Here’s how to build an automated integration:

Before You Begin

Log in to your LeadsBridge account. If you don’t have one yet, sign up for free here. The free plan allows you to sync your advertising platforms to all the most popular CRMs and marketing apps available on the market.

Step 1: Build a New Bridge.

Select “Create new Bridge” on your LeadsBridge’s main dashboard.

Creating a Salesforce® Facebook Integration on LeadsBridge

Step 2: Setting up source and destination and account authorization.

From the drop-down, choose your source and destination platforms. This could be Facebook lead ads and Salesforce®, or Salesforce® and Conversions API for CRM, for example.

Salesforce® Facebook Integration: Select source and destination

Follow the instructions to authenticate access to each one of your accounts. When setting up your account, be sure to select the right Facebook account connected to your Business Manager. Once completed, click “Continue.”

Step 3: Fields Mapping

Make sure all values are correctly set for seamless data sync, and pay attention to specific fields that you want to include. You can also choose the “Run test” option and fill in the required information. Once completed, click “Save & publish.”

Salesforce® Facebook Integration: Setting completed

At this point, your bridge is active, and you can locate it in the CRM Integration section under the Facebook Suite.

Now that you know how to integrate Facebook with Salesforce®, let’s talk about LeadsBridge integrations and which ones are available under the Free plan.

LeadsBridge pricing plans: Free integrations

For instance, in the free tier, you can connect your Facebook lead ads to Salesforce® (and all the most popular CRMs and marketing apps), while Conversions API for CRM comes under the paid tier. 

Learn more about the Best Salesforce® integrations for 2024.

Now, let’s go through an overview of our plans:

Integrating Facebook custom audiences with Salesforce®

Custom audiences is a tool that allows you to target people who already know your business with relevant ads. They are your current and past customers, and email subscribers who have interacted – in one way or another – with your business. Targeting these sets of audiences is effective because they are already interested in your business.

There are different ways to create a custom audience on Facebook. The first and the most popular method is using the customer data from your CRM,which is particularly effective for CRM retargeting and account-based marketing.

Thanks to this integration, Facebook will match the data with users on the platform and provide the percentage of the potential audiences to target.

Benefits of integrating Facebook custom audiences with Salesforce®

1. Ads created using Facebook custom audiences and Salesforce® generate high engagement and ad recall.

Salesforce® CRM users experience remarkable results: decision-making accelerates by 38%, revenue surges by 18.4%, and customer satisfaction soars by 35%. These impressive outcomes are not just at the surface level; the in-depth details are equally remarkable.

2. Marketing automation made easy

Integrating Facebook custom audiences with Salesforce® automates marketing and sales, while streamlining lead targeting with email and text messages. This boosts lead generation, nurturing, and scoring for better campaign ROI. Recent reports show that 80% of automation software users generate more leads, with a 77% higher lead conversion rate.

marketing automation stats
Source: clickfunnels

Another study revealed that 46% of marketers believe that strategic execution of automation significantly boosted their success. This is while 52% attribute the success of their marketing automation tools to high-quality data.

3. Increase campaign effectiveness

Facebook boasts an immense user base, but targeting every single one of them would be like searching for a needle in a haystack. However, with the integration of Facebook custom audiences and Salesforce®, you can unleash the potential of highly targeted ads. 

These ads will only be shown to the people who are most likely to convert, increasing campaign effectiveness. Users who are not likely to convert will be excluded from your ad.

How to integrate Facebook custom audiences with Salesforce®

The fastest way to integrate Facebook custom audience with Salesforce® is through LeadsBridge. With LeadsBridge, you can create your custom audience without having to manually download your data from your Salesforce® CRM and upload it unhashed to Facebook. 

How to build dynamic Facebook custom audiences from Salesforce® compliantly

Integrating Facebook Custom Audiences with Salesforce® through LeadsBridge allows you to build dynamic Facebook Custom Audiences from Salesforce®. This implies that the list is updated automatically. This means you no longer have to run daily manual uploads.

LeadsBridge refreshes every 6 hours to keep the list updated. An updated list ensures you abide by GDPR requirements which stipulate that audiences targeted for marketing purposes should always be updated according to the user consensus to be targeted.

Salesforce® Facebook integration with LeadsBridge ensures that your business is compliant. LeadsBridge operates by converting personal data in HASHED keys in real-time (in VCPU memory) without storing any sensitive data in any place. This offers companies a privacy-safe solution to keep their audiences constantly updated on users’ consensus.

Facebook lead ads and Salesforce® integration

Building a data bridge between Facebook lead ads and Salesforce® is another must-have Salesforce® Facebook integration.

Facebook lead ads collect users’ details with a pre-filled form (pulling data such as their name, email, and phone number directly from the users’ Facebook accounts) directly on the platform, without redirecting users to an external landing page.

This makes it easy for users to fill out the form in two simple steps: first, they click to open the ad, and then they click to submit their info right on the Facebook platform. You can retrieve their details from Facebook and use it to send offers and quotes to them afterward.

Now, connecting these two high-performing platforms can add an edge to your lead generation on Facebook. Below, you can find some of the top advantages of this integration.

Benefits of Facebook lead ads Salesforce® integration

You can sync your lead data via native integrations, or through Meta Business Partner integrations such as LeadsBridge. So why use LeadsBridge integrations when you can use Salesforce® direct line? The answer is simple.

The native integration from Facebook lead ads to Salesforce® can take up to 2 hours to send the new leads.

They receive only the basic info like name and email, so there is no hidden value. This delay and limited data can be a downside for businesses needing real-time lead information. Needless to say, a speedy follow-up can turn a lead into a customer.

Let’s go through the top advantages of Facebook lead ads Salesforce® integration:

  • It streamlines real-time lead data collection.
  • It ensures secure and accurate lead storage and opens doors for sales, marketing, and customer service opportunities.
  • It saves time by automating data transfer and eliminating manual CSV uploads.
  • It facilitates swift response to leads. Research shows that contacting a lead within 5 minutes boosts conversion rates by over 400% compared to a 10-minute response time.

How to integrate Facebook lead ads with Salesforce®

Auto-filled Facebook lead ads forms simplify data collection, but they typically save info in a downloadable CSV file. Facebook lead ads Salesforce® integration, on the other hand, instantly transfers leads to Salesforce®—no need to handle CSV files. 

This automation is both secure and time-efficient. It also enables you to promptly send welcome and follow-up emails to engage subscribers right after ad interaction. This boosts lead nurturing, deal closures, and revenue growth.

Here’s the step-by-step instruction on Facebook leads ads Salesforce® integration through LeadsBridge.

Facebook Conversions API Salesforce® integration

You can also connect Salesforce® to Facebook to accurately track and analyze the entire customer journey. Conversions API for CRM is another valuable Facebook advertising tool. It helps businesses maintain data privacy while delivering personalized ad experiences to audiences.

According to Meta, “The Conversions API is designed to create a direct connection between your marketing data and the systems that help optimize ad targeting, decrease cost per result and measure outcomes across Meta technologies.”

With the Conversions API for CRM in place, you get to control the data you share. This means that you can implement the Conversions API for CRM in addition to Facebook Pixel and decide what to share and when to share it.

Benefits of Facebook Conversions API Salesforce® integration

1. Automated data sync between Salesforce® to Facebook Conversions API

The Facebook Conversions API Salesforce® integration allows you to automatically send new Salesforce® records to Facebook as lead events, while also creating new Conversions API for CRM leads with Salesforce®.

2. Seamless user data exchange

When you connect the Meta API to Salesforce® to get user data, the collected info on Facebook, such as user interactions, demographics, and interests, can be seamlessly shared with your Salesforce® CRM. 

A richer dataset at your disposal allows you to better tailor your marketing strategies and campaigns, and make more informed decisions.

3. Optimized ads for more sales

Although Facebook has data about its users, your Salesforce® CRM contains additional customer details that Facebook might not have. You can leverage this information to make more sales by sending this information to Facebook through the Facebook Conversions API Salesforce® integration.

4. Wide array of data to share

This integration offers you an opportunity to share and sync different types of data compared to Facebook Pixel. This includes CRM data, lower-funnel events, and multi-site conversion paths on a website and offline location.

5. Creating a complete customer journey

This data bridge lets you track and analyze the entire customer journey, from ad interactions on Facebook to conversions and sales in Salesforce®. This holistic view helps you to better understand user behavior and optimize your campaigns.

How to integrate Facebook Conversions API with Salesforce®

With LeadsBridge, you can connect Facebook Conversions API to your Salesforce® CRM through an integration. This connection enables you to send new Salesforce® data records to Facebook automatically and in real time.

Learn how to connect Facebook Conversions API with Salesforce® here.

Salesforce® integration with the conversion leads performance goal 

The Conversion leads performance goal lets you show ads to high-quality leads. This feature improves your ad delivery and conversion quality over time. 

Connecting your Salesforce® CRM with Facebook can improve your lead quality by many folds, which also results in higher conversion rates.

Remember that to effectively leverage Conversion leads performance goal, you must first implement Conversions API for CRM. This integration is the key to gathering performance insights and sharpening your targeting game.

Benefits of integratingSalesforce® with the conversion lead performance goal

1. Optimized Ad Delivery

Using a mix of information you provide about your customers and machine learning, Facebook fine-tunes ad delivery over time. This maximizes conversions’ quality, improves ad spend efficiency, and reduces customer acquisition costs in the long run.

2. Better Lead Quality

Integrating Salesforce® with conversion leads performance goal prioritizes the quality of leads. This means you receive leads that are more likely to become paying customers, ultimately boosting your conversion rates.

3. Laser-sharp audience targeting

Facebook gathers data about your existing customers through Salesforce® CRM integration. This integration allows you to show your ads to audiences that closely resemble your high-value customers. Then, your odds of reaching the right people with your ads increase drastically.

4. Impeccable data reliability

Conversion API for CRM integration with your CRM translates to data accuracy and reliability. Having access to a clean, reliable dataset is especially important in the wake of privacy changes like iOS 14.5 and GDPR. Mostly because it allows you to deliver ads to high-quality leads without relying on cookies.

How to integrate the conversions leads performance goal with Salesforce®

To start using Conversion leads performance goal on Facebook, your first step is to connect Facebook API to Salesforce® to get user data.

This means you’ll share your CRM data with Facebook and enable it to analyze leads likely to make a purchase (known as Conversion leads performance goal). All you have to do is grant Facebook access to your CRM data. You can also initiate this process at any stage of the sales funnel.

LeadsBridge offers integrations that connect your Salesforce® CRM seamlessly with Facebook. Reliable data bridges such as these permit smooth sailing for your robust and high-performing campaigns.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to connect your CRM data to Facebook conversion leads performance goal.

Salesforce® Marketing Cloud and Facebook integrations

Salesforce® Marketing Cloud is a robust platform for managing customer journeys, email campaigns, and social media marketing. 

Salesforce® Marketing Cloud and Facebook integrations

LeadsBridge offers seamless integrations between Salesforce Marketing Cloud and Meta technologies (Facebook & Instagram). A connection between the two allows businesses to capture leads as they respond to your ad and enrich their CRM with more detailed data.

Here is more about the features and functions of Salesforce® Marketing Cloud.

Why use Salesforce® for lead generation activities?

Lead generation is just the start of a longer process that ultimately leads to a sale. Salesforce® simplifies this by automating repetitive tasks, and so making it less overwhelming.

Let’s take a look at how to make the most of lead generation by using Salesforce®.

Well-designed landing pages

A landing page is where leads first engage with your ad. It must be visually appealing and informative. A compelling landing page can be a deciding factor in driving conversions, and Salesforce®’s builder helps in creating effective ones.

Active CTA buttons

Active call-to-action (CTA) buttons are designed to guide leads through the sales funnel. Without clear CTAs, leads may get frustrated and leave the site. Salesforce® allows you to create multiple CTA buttons to help you achieve better results.

Relevant content & follow-up emails

Newsletter subscribers may not become customers immediately. To convert them, nurture them with tailored content and follow-up emails. Salesforce® automates emails and creates personalized workflows based on lead actions.

At the end of the day, Salesforce® and lead generation go hand in hand! This marketing automation platform has endless functionalities that are specifically built to help you streamline and optimize your lead generation activities.

Final thoughts

Salesforce® Facebook integrations allow companies to automate the data sync between Facebook and Salesforce®. There are many Facebook products you can integrate with Salesforce®, such as custom audiences, lead ads, and Conversions API for CRM.

When you connect Salesforce® to Facebook, you can collect lead information in real-time. This makes it easy for your sales team to nurture the leads, create high-engagement Facebook ads, and increase campaign effectiveness.

Explore all the integrations available for Salesforce®.

Hephzy Asaolu

Hephzy is a seasoned Content Writer with over 10 years of experience. She creates digital marketing content that gains social media attention and increases search engine visibility. She loves cooking!

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