Some advertisers may effortlessly get more conversions through a new tool that Facebook just released: Facebook Ads to Messenger.
In this article, you will get some tips and increase your awareness of which businesses types have the?best fit for this tool.
In addition, you will get more details about how to run this type of ad campaigns. Facebook already demonstrated that Messenger is an important asset for a business page, and adverts connected to it may be a huge enhancement for every business owner.
You may have heard it: Facebook started to roll out ads in News Feed that drive people to chat with your bot on Messenger.
Apparently, this kind of Ads look like the ones that Facebook users are used to see every single day, except for the Call To Action beneath the creatives.
By clicking on these News Feed ads, a Messenger thread appears with a copy of the ad or prefilled message, as shown on the image below.
Users who click on the ad will receive a welcome message via Messenger. At this point, they can continue the conversation or follow the instructions.
Why is this type of ad is so important? And how can you take advantage of this tool for your business?
Let?s check it out.
Many advertisers think that they can use Facebook Ads in the same way to sell cars, homes or any other stuff.
Yet, in some businesses people need to have human contact with the companies, before buying a product or service.
If you have experience in Advertising, you know what I mean. For some kind of services, your customers need reassurances from the seller.
Sometimes clients have important questions for you, or they may want to talk to you because they doubt that your offer is right for them.
In some cases customers just want to know that behind that company there is a reliable person or team, before deciding to buy anything.
In every case, a few minutes of contact may trigger extra zeros in your sales record.
Sounds reasonable, don?t you think?
As you strive to be persuasive and compelling in your marketing efforts, sooner or later, you will need a tool which enables you to get direct contact with users.
Facebook knows it. For this reason, developers created a new type of ads that, in over the years, will revolutionize the way you manage your campaigns.
Just like a normal campaign, this ad can be directed to any custom audiences on Facebook.
For example, you can get in touch with your potential customers by retargeting those who have already saw your website or specific pages of your blog.
There are two important things to note with regards Facebook?s choice to introduce this new feature.
#1 Facebook is reinforcing its intent not to release users from the social network
This already happened with the revolution of Facebook Lead Ads, which is going to effectively replace the old, fashionate landing pages for Facebook campaigns.
At the moment, ?Facebook Ads to messenger seems to be a powerful alternative to the “old? contact forms in websites and blogs.
#2 Facebook continues to roll out features for mobile traffic, and perhaps this is one of the most important trends in the future of Facebook advertising. In some cases, you may want to run this type of ads
When your business needs to get direct contacts from your clients, you should include Facebook Ads to messenger as a part of your marketing strategy.
In Leadsbridge we considered a certain number of specific cases in which you can start testing this feature to see if it works for you.
1) Increasing direct contacts
Industry studies confirm something obvious: a customer needs to get in touch with your company several times before buying something.
Therefore, when someone visits your site without purchasing your services, it does not mean that he or she is not interested in buying them.
An easy way to test Facebook Ads to Messenger for your business consists in retargeting those who viewed your products or service webpages.
This way you can ask them if they have any concerns or questions about your services, or need further information.
You can manage Conversions Tracking and Behavioral Custom Audiences with the new Facebook Pixel, but actually using it means you have to be a techy or hire a developer to make changes to your website.
Leadsbridge just released a new tool called ?Pixel Enhancer? that automatically pushes Standard and Enhanced (custom) Facebook Events, doing the dirty job for you. Click Here to learn more.
2) Offering demonstrations and presentations
Offering demonstrations about your services and products can be quite complex endeavor. It compels you to identify your audience and make sure it includes people will actually buy from you, without wasting time with unqualified prospects.
For example, if you are a real estate agent for luxury houses, you may often organize inspections. By promoting a chat via Facebook you can identify the right client by making questions about budget before the meeting.
By creating ads that link to Messenger, you can get in touch with your audience via chat, explaining the benefits and advantages of your offer and asking the right questions to find out if the customer is really interested in your product or service.
In this way, you can focus your resources on potential clients who actually understand the value of your offer.
3) Sponsoring an initial call to your clients
Many of your customers may want to talk to you and ask you some questions, before buying your products or services.
A call is a time-consuming activity, but it can get great benefits to both your business and your clients.
You can test Facebook Ads to messenger by promoting an Ad that displays a message to secure, for example, an appointment with the user.
4) Promoting complex services or products
It is impossible to sell certain services or products without a direct contact with the customers.
For example, those who sell cars, apartments, or other pricey services that have a certain level of customization may find Facebook Ads to messenger very useful.
If your business falls under such category, you can test Facebook Ads to Messenger to promote your business.
Obviously, this represents a simple and small step toward a direct contact with your clients, wich may be significant for sales at a later stage.
How to set up a Facebook Ad to messenger
Setting up a Facebook Ad to messenger campaign is quite easy.
Go to your power editor and create a new campaign (I use old classic creation form)
Create a new campaign (use the Clicks to Website objective).
When selecting the Ad?s placement in Ad set, exclude ?Instagram?, as shown in the image below.
After that, you should be able to select ?Messenger? as destination for your Ad.
Now, just switch the CTA to ?Send Message?
At the end of the set up, your Ad should look something like this.
There are several ways to use Facebook ads to Messenger for your business.
This new feature is a much more “social” way to promote a service, and can be exploited through preliminary testing whenever a direct contact with potential customers may be required.
It seems that, in the future, Facebook will increasingly exploit Messenger features. This small, new tool could introduce a new type of Ad that will be progressively used and optimized over the next few years.
What do you think? Now it?s your turn. Leave a comment and share your ideas below!