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Facebook ads for contractors: Tips and examples

Facebook Ads For Contractors

As the Internet becomes more important for buyers, marketing for contractors becomes essential. You need a digital marketing campaign to reach online leads.

The main goal of contractor marketing is to show you’re an expert in your field. It’s easier than you might think. With a few key strategies, you can market yourself online, get more leads, and grow your client base over time.

But why should contractors invest in Facebook ads?

And how can you make sure your ads are effective?

You can grow your business using the resources you have and a little extra effort. Setting up ads may seem challenging at first, but our guide makes it simple and accessible. We’re here to explain why advertising matters and how you can start using it today.

This guide will cover everything you need to know about running Facebook ads for contractors, including tips, examples and automated integrations to help you get started.

Why contractors should run Facebook ads

Facebook is a great way to connect with potential customers and promote your business. By sharing your blog posts, videos, and photos on social media, you can reach more people and grow your customer base.

Set up profiles for your company on popular social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Use your posts to offer helpful information and share pictures of your recent work. Ask your customers to tag you in their posts about your work so their friends and family can find you when they need similar services.

Meta platforms like Facebook are also perfect for launching paid advertising campaigns. Creating online ads with Facebook for Business is simple, affordable, and effective, helping you attract customers with minimal effort.

Let’s take a quick look at the technical side of running Facebook ads for contractors and what you can achieve with them.

Reach a large audience

One of the most important features of an ad campaign is its audience.

To grow your business and run a successful ad campaign you need to find your audience, whether they’re on Facebook, Google, Instagram or somewhere else entirely.

Facebook ads allow contractors to reach a large and diverse audience. Whether you specialize in HVAC, fencing, or general home services, you can target specific demographics, locations, and interests to find potential customers.

Knowing your target audience and what contractor marketing ideas you want to use are the first steps to executing your contractor marketing strategy. Don’t stress out about understanding Meta’s algorithm.

The platform itself offers several tools that can help you optimize and make the most of your Facebook post impressions, ad-generated website traffic, and overall user experience.

Check out these options to expand your reach on Facebook and Instagram:

  • ​​Targeted ads: Use Facebook’s targeting options to reach your ideal audience. Focus on demographics, interests, and behaviors that match your potential customers.
  • Organic lead generation: Regularly post helpful and engaging content on your Facebook page. Share blog posts, videos, and customer testimonials to build trust and attract followers who hopefully end up in your marketing email list.
  • Facebook groups: Join or create groups related to your industry. Engage with members by answering questions and sharing valuable content.
  • Contests and giveaways: Run contests or giveaways to boost engagement and attract new followers. Make sure the prize is actually something that appeals to your target audience.
  • Video content: Use videos to showcase your products or services. Facebook videos tend to get more engagement than text or image posts.
  • Analytics and testing: Regularly check your ad performance using Facebook Analytics. Test different ad formats and messages to see what works best.

Cost-effective marketing

In business, marketing means promoting a product or service to increase sales. The goal is to spend less money upfront while making the most profit. 

But which strategies are the most cost-effective? Or, do Facebook ads really work for your budget?

Compared to traditional advertising methods, Facebook ads for contractors can be more cost-effective. You can set your budget and adjust it based on the performance of your ads, ensuring you get the best return on investment.

Learn more about increasing your Facebook ROAS here.

Optimal lead generation

Facebook ads are excellent for generating leads. With features like lead ads across meta technologies (both Facebook & Instagram), you can collect contact information directly from potential customers. This makes it easier for your team to follow up on them when their interest is at its highest and convert those leads into clients.

Learn more about optimizing your Facebook ad campaigns here.

Tips for running Facebook ads for contractors

To run Facebook ads, you need a Facebook page and a Facebook Business account. Follow these links to set up your Facebook page and Facebook Business account. Both are free, but running ads will cost money.

Before diving into your ads, find out more on how much you should spend on your Facebook ads.

1. Use Facebook lead ads

If you want new leads to find your contracting business, Facebook lead ads are the way to go. These ads are designed to help you collect information from potential clients without them leaving the platform. This customer-centric approach makes the process seamless and increases the likelihood of getting more leads.

Check out these examples of elements you can find in the best Facebook ads for contractors:

  • Have a compelling offer: Offer something valuable to your audience, such as a free consultation or a discount on services.
  • Keep your lead form simple: Ask for basic information like name, email, and phone number to make it easy for users to complete.
  • Follow up quickly: Once you have a lead, follow up with them as soon as they come in. Having an automated lead management system lets you do this and increases your chances of converting these leads into a customer.

For instance, you can use these Facebook lead ads integrations to streamline your data management:

Facebook lead ads+Bitrix24 webhook (try now)

2. Create engaging ad content

Your ad content should be catchy. You want it to capture the attention of users who might be interested in your offering and convey your message clearly to them.

Let’s see some tested-and-tried strategies for creating effective ad content:

  • High-quality images or videos are more engaging and can help showcase your work.
  • Write clear and concise copy that explains what you offer and why users should choose your services.
  • Include a strong call-to-action to encourage users to take the next step, whether it’s filling out a form, calling you, or visiting your website.

Contractor Clicks has leaned into these strategies. Their ad uses a relaxed tone to address its audience while the message remains on-point.

3. Target the right audience

How you target is a huge factor in the performance of your Facebook ads. The good news is that you can find tons of targeting features on the Meta Ads Manager.

Use these targeting options to narrow down your audience to those most likely to be interested in your services.

  • Demographic targeting: Choose age, gender, location, and other demographic factors.
  • Interest targeting: Target users based on their interests, such as home improvement or specific types of contracting work. If they are not interested now, you can rekindle their interest with retargeting campaigns too.
  • Custom audiences: Use your existing customer data to create custom audiences for more precise targeting. However, you’ll need to connect your CRM to Facebook to get the most out of this option.
  • Lookalike Audiences: This option helps you find new customers who have similar interests and demographics to your current customers or followers.
  • Conversion leads optimization goal lets you tell Facebook what you want to focus on in a campaign. It shows your ads to people who are most likely to become paying customers.

Keep in mind that you need to set up your Conversions API for CRM for your Facebook ads for contractors before being able to effectively use this feature.

4. Implement automation with LeadsBridge

Automation can save you time, so you can make sure that no lead falls through the cracks. LeadsBridge is an official Meta Business Partner. Connecting the apps and platforms you use every day to Facebook lets you automate every aspect of your lead management process.

For example, you can automatically sync leads from Facebook lead ads to your CRM. Or vice versa, send your lead data from your CRM to Facebook to create audience segments that are super precise and more.

In addition to transferring your lead data from Facebook to your CRM or email marketing platform, automation helps you see how effective your campaigns are. Conversions API for CRM lets you track your ad’s performance without using cookies.

Using the Conversions AP for CRMI, you can capture data like CRM information and lower funnel events, which is more than what the Pixel can do alone.

Examples of effective Facebook ads for contractors

The best Facebook ads for contractors are customized for their audience. They can be funny or earnest. While many people like traditional text-only testimonials and case studies, younger audiences often prefer authentic messages and user-generated content (UGC).

To understand how brands are using testimonial ads today, let’s take a look through various examples of Facebook ads for contractors.

Effective Facebook ads for fence contractors

A good fence contractor’s Facebook ad can showcase craftsmanship and highlight the service provider’s benefits. Here’s an effective ad by ASAP Fence & Gates that includes before-and-after photos of completed projects and a special offer for new customers (a free $150 Value for the new callers).

Facebook ads for HVAC contractors

HVAC contractors offer comfort and energy savings in their services. So, a Facebook ad representing these sentiments could feature testimonials from satisfied customers, highlight seasonal promotions, or, as done by HVAC U, display a certification.

This ad lets users see for themselves whether the services meet the requirements for the tasks as well as the expected standard(s).

Facebook ads for home service contractors

Alternatively, your Facebook ads for home service contractors could get straight to the point and talk about the topic on every customer’s mind: the price. The ad by Rocket Roofing & Restoration Contractors uses a cheek-in-the-tongue tone while offering transparency by mentioning their prices.

The ad visuals also introduce the team, which leaves an impression of professionalism.

Wondering what an ad should include? Check out this complete guide on the anatomy of a Facebook ad.

Closing thoughts

Running Facebook ads can be a game-changer for contractors in the home services industry. But you have to do your part, too. By automating and optimizing your campaigns, you can grow your business and increase your ROI.

Start by creating compelling lead ads, targeting the right audience, and continuously refining your strategy based on performance.

To make the most of your Facebook ads, consider integrating them via automated data bridges. LeadsBridge offers a range of integrations that can help you manage leads, automate follow-ups, and track the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Discover the top Facebook lead ads integrations and start streamlining your business’s workflows today.

Elena Mazaheri

Elena Mazaheri is a freelance writer and content marketer specializing in serving SaaS, Education, and eCommerce brands. Her expertise lies in product-led storytelling and creating compelling content that elevates brands and connects with audiences

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