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Do Facebook Ads work for small businesses?

Do Facebook Ads work for small businesses

Considering Meta’s massive user base, maintaining a Facebook presence is a must-have strategy for small businesses. Of course, navigating the evolving digital landscape for a small business calls for planning and tact. That’s why establishing a Facebook Ad strategy is the first and most important step in the process.

In this article, we’ll focus on these core marketing topics: Do Facebook Ads work for small businesses, and how can you get the most out of your marketing campaign on Facebook?

We’ll also talk about tools and integrations you can set up for free to automate your Facebook advertising workflows. 

Are Facebook Ads effective for small businesses?

Facebook is a powerhouse when it comes to advertising as well as branding. It covers a range of features for promoting services, improving customer support and communication, building an appealing brand image, and more. 

Let’s take its impact on sales, for instance. Users are 53% more likely to make a purchase when they have the convenience of messaging with a business. And to add to that, around 59% of users aged 18 to 34 (considering only those in Europe) have used Messenger by Meta to contact businesses.

But that’s not all. The advantages of Facebook Ads for your brand go beyond a social media strategy. This platform accounts for an impressive 71.64% of clickthroughs to websites. 

Do Facebook Ads work for small businesses?

However, the platform’s true strength lies in targeted advertising. With features like Facebook Custom Audiences, you can run highly-targeted marketing campaigns, while potentially increasing your conversion rates.

Benefits of Facebook Ads for small businesses

Facebook advertising has evolved around users and consumer trends. For advertisers, this social platform offers affordability, quick results, and a range of ad formats to accommodate different creative strategies. 

All these unique features make Meta a robust advertising medium for small businesses aspiring to thrive in the digital landscape. 

  • Performing layered audience targeting option: Facebook’s rich data processing allows you to target audiences with laser-sharp precision (based on gender, age, location, interests, etc).
  • Accessing diverse ad types: Facebook offers a variety of ad formats, including photos, videos, Stories, Messenger Ads, and more. As a small business, you can explore these options, run tests, and find out what works for you. 
  • Cost-effective advertising: With Facebook Ads, you’ll get to set your own budget and ad cost limit that is aligned with the current stage of your business’s growth.
  • Numerous ad objectives: Objectives help fine-tune your ads to meet specific business objectives, anything from post engagement to lead generation and conversions.
  • In-depth data analytics: Facebook’s Ads Manager dashboard offers a dedicated section where you can find insights and a detailed overview of your audience demographics, campaign breakdowns, and attribution reports.
  • Easy setup and quick turnaround: With the right instructions, the ad creation experience within Facebook is straightforward. Additionally, you can potentially see positive results from your ads in the first few days or a week.
  • Ad forecasting: Facebook also provides insights into estimated daily reach and results. You can use this data to make adjustments and improve your ad’s performance.
  • Broader organic reach: Paid ads can also be used to extend your organic reach while boosting your user engagement. You can create Lead Ads that focus on driving on-site and blog content visibility.

How to run Facebook Ads for small businesses

Want to get started? Here are the steps you need to take to create successful Facebook advertising for your small business:

1. Start with a basic strategy

Before diving into Facebook campaigns, create an outline of your goals and methods to reach these objectives. Your initial strategy will eventually change as you run A/B tests and monitor your ads’ performance. However, you’ll need a starting point that guides your advertising in the right direction. 

2. Complete your business profile

A well-populated Facebook Business Page improves your brand’s visibility as well as brand authority. Complete your profile by uploading a matching profile picture, a cover photo, hours, location, website, contact info, and a relevant call-to-action button.

3. Create an Ads Manager account

To use the Facebook Ads Manager, you’ll need to first set up a Facebook Business Page.  Confirm the information, enter payment details, and save changes to finalize your page. This step will qualify you for creating and tracking ads.

4. Launch a new campaign

Inside Ads Manager, create campaigns or ad sets by selecting the desired ad type and clicking “Create.” Choose the ad type that aligns with your campaign objectives. 

Not sure what to choose? Run a competitor analysis to get an idea about what other advertisers are doing. Also, you can look into consumer trends and see what your audience is looking for at the moment. 

5. Choose your campaign objective

Facebook Ads Manager simplifies goal selection with a list of objectives to choose from. Depending on your advertising goals, select from options like brand awareness, website traffic, conversions, etc. Awareness campaigns, for instance, make the best Facebook Ads for small businesses trying to establish their new brand.

6. Set a budget and plan

Here you’ll have to decide on a daily or campaign-wide budget. First, you should have a good idea about budget differences; a daily budget distributes your ad exposure throughout the day, while a campaign-wide budget allocates your ad spending over a fixed duration. Then, decide which option aligns with your ad best. 

7. Choose a target audience

Facebook’s robust targeting options let you focus on an audience group based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and more. You can also refine your audience further to connect with the right people.

8. Create your Facebook Ad

Select your ad formats based on your campaign objective. Choosing the right type improves the effectiveness of your Facebook advertising strategy. Here are the top ad formats for small businesses: 

  • Image Ads to drive website traffic
  • Video Ads to engage across platforms
  • Carousel Ads to showcase products
  • Collection Ads to provide a catalog experience without leaving the platform 

Next, customize your ad appearance, considering factors like clicks to the website, and choose between single or multi-image formats. 

You can learn more about the anatomy of Facebook Ads and how it helps achieve the perfect creative for your Facebook campaign here. 

9. Track your ad’s performance

Regularly check analytical reports and key metrics like performance, engagement, video views, and website actions. Then, optimize your strategy based on campaign reports. Optimizations and performance monitoring should be a constant practice.

marketing automation for Facebook Ads

Once you’ve completed all these steps, your ad is up and running. However, this is only the basics. You can still take your advertisement a step further by streamlining tasks by using automated integrations. Official Meta partners like LeadsBridge can help you create seamless marketing workflows and never miss an incoming lead. 

Leveraging marketing automation for Facebook Ads

LeadsBridge helps you integrate Facebook and your CRM or other marketing platforms in order to streamline data transfer between these platforms.

marketing automation for Facebook Ads

Let’s review the top benefits of automating Facebook advertising through LeadsBridge:

  • The real-time data sync feature provides accurate, up-to-date insights you can use for informed decision-making.
  • Streamlined lead generation allows you to automatically sync incoming lead data into your data technology stack.
  • Automating CRM segmentation and email marketing so your team can access real-time data for running targeted campaigns and preventing leads from falling through the cracks. 
  • Automated database updates and follow-up to facilitate automated data management and timely lead follow-up.
  • Better audience targeting with higher precision through streamlined Custom Audience creation and dynamic ad support.
  • Real-time event sync by integrating Facebook with event management tools for effective data management and running post-event campaigns.

Must-have Facebook integrations for small businesses

LeadsBridge enables seamless integration between your Facebook Pages and a vast array of the most widely used applications. By bridging the gap between these platforms, you can automate repetitive tasks and create an interconnected marketing ecosystem.

Facebook Lead Ads

Facebook Lead Ads are the frontline of Facebook advertising that targets leads who are qualified for your product or service. Integrating Facebook Lead Ads with your CRM, autoresponder app, or other advertising tools simplifies your lead generation.

Facebook Custom Audiences

Facebook Custom Audiences is a feature that helps you reach people who are most likely to engage with your ads. LeadsBridge enables you to integrate your CRM or other marketing apps with Facebook Custom Audiences. 

This connection helps your small business to run hyper-targeted campaigns and engage your audience with personalized ad campaigns.

Facebook Conversions API

Facebook Conversions API is essentially a tracking feature that gives you greater insight into your Ads. When combined with Facebook Pixel, it incorporates information like CRM data to give you a detailed view of the entire customer journey. 

Implementing the Conversions API has several advantages for small businesses, such as accurate and real-time tracking of conversions, and improving the effectiveness of your ad campaigns.

Facebook Conversion Leads Optimization

Conversion Leads Optimization is a performance goal. It helps optimize your ad delivery by displaying your ad to users who are most likely to convert into customers.

Building automated data bridges with your CRM and using the Conversion Leads optimization goal could potentially improve the quality of your leads who are more likely to convert.

Optimizing Facebook Ads budget for small businesses

As a small business, you are laying the foundation for your financial growth, so channeling your marketing budget efficiently is critical. Facebook helps with that by allowing you to start small and scale your strategy over time.

Here are quick tips and strategies for managing a Facebook Ad budget for a small business:

  1. Event optimization budget: Put enough budget for your optimization event. Choose events that fit your budget, since some may be more cost-effective than others.
  2. Ad Set budgets: For impression-based charges, set aside at least USD 1 per day. As your advertising advances, you can adjust budgets for Meta Advantage campaigns.
  3. Cost-per-result strategy: If using cost-per-result, set your daily budget at least five times your result goal. For a goal of USD 5, set a minimum daily budget of USD 25.
  4. Lifetime budget adjustments: When lowering a lifetime budget, Meta recommends keeping it above your total spend plus 10% of the amount spent in the past two days.
  5. Late-day changes: Be mindful when lowering budgets late in the day to avoid overspending due to system adjustments.


Facebook is a robust marketing platform for small businesses, especially due to its precision targeting capabilities. Facebook Ads let you break through the noise, connect with your clientele, and foster the expansion of your enterprise.

Now, the question remains, do Facebook Ads work for small businesses? And are they the right fit for your business? Of course, Facebook Ads are easy to measure, and let you zero in on specific interests and custom audiences. But in the end, it all comes down to your marketing strategy and unique business dynamics. 

Ready to skyrocket your Facebook marketing? Connect and sync leads and contacts with the Facebook suite tools with LeadsBridge integrations.

Elena Mazaheri

Elena Mazaheri is a freelance writer and content marketer specializing in serving SaaS, Education, and eCommerce brands. Her expertise lies in product-led storytelling and creating compelling content that elevates brands and connects with audiences

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