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What are Meta ads? Everything you need to know!

What Are Meta Ads

Meta advertising is about promoting ads in different channels and reaching audiences. It focuses on advertising tools, ad placements, industry specific events, and using machine learning. 

All this is to offer the most relevant products and services to people and businesses who might be interested in them. That’s why running ads across Meta technologies has become a playground for those who create advertising content and generate leads on Facebook and Instagram.

This guide will explain what Meta ads are, their benefits, ad placements, and policies to help you effectively use them for your marketing strategy. 

Additionally, we’ll talk about how to have all your applications work together and in sync with your Meta ads. Of course, this means using integrations that help create a complete view of your lead data, such as: 

What are Meta ads?

Meta ads refer to the advertising solutions that are offered by Meta Platforms Inc. This includes ads across all Meta technologies (Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and to some extent WhatsApp). These ads help you target specific audiences based on different criteria like demographics, interests, behavior and even your own CRM segments.

General benefits of using Meta ads for businesses

Do Facebook ads work for small businesses? 

Or, is it worth learning how to create and manage your Instagram ads? 

Meta ads offer a number of advantages for businesses, which has made them a must-have option in any digital marketing strategy:

1. Targeted advertising as good as it gets

Meta is well-known for its advanced targeting options. Businesses can use Meta ads to reach their ideal customers based on location, age, gender, interests, and even past interactions with their brand.

2. Wide and far audience reach

Meta has 3 billion plus active users. This gives businesses an extensive audience to tap into.

3. Advertising budget management at its best

Meta lets you set your budget and stick to it. Basically, you can adjust bids to make sure you only spend what you can afford.

4. Automation, automation, and more automation

Meta ads automation is a collection of tools that use automated processes and machine learning to simplify different aspects of ad campaigns.

With products like Advantage and Advantage+, Meta gives you powerful options for automatic optimization, while helping streamline your advertising efforts.

Another aspect of Meta ads automation is third-party integration. Connecting Meta ads with your CRM through a Meta Business Partner such as LeadsBridge helps to automate your marketing workflows to and from Meta platforms.

This integration allows for automatic lead data synchronization, so that your CRM is always up-to-date with new leads coming from your Meta ads campaigns.

Strategic benefits of Meta ads

Why do running ads across Meta technologies get such hype?

Besides the fantastic targeting option and building the perfect ad, there are a few other reasons!

  • Accessible cost caps: you can adjust your spending. Anything from your average order value down to your target customer acquisition cost. Find out how much you should spend on your Facebook ads here.
  • Building multiple campaigns: It lets you tailor separate campaigns for different products by making each ad more relevant and effective.
  • Posting organic content: You can mix regular content with your ads to boost your brand’s credibility and engagement.
  • Enabling product seeding: In addition to a massive audience base, there are a ton of influencers. You can get your product into the hands of known influencers in your field to increase visibility and interest.

Main Meta ads placements

Meta ads can appear in several placements across Meta’s platforms, which you can select based on your target audience and ad strategy. To do that, however, you’ll need to understand these placements and choose the most effective spots for your ads:

Facebook feed ads

Ads appear in the user’s news feed besides the posts from friends and pages they follow. These ads are designed to sit well with organic content, in order to increase the likelihood of engagement.

Here’s an example of a video ad in the Facebook feed:

a video ad in the Facebook feed

Instagram feed ads

Similar to Facebook, Instagram feed ads show up between posts from accounts the user follows. This also makes them highly engaging.

Take a look at this Instagram feed ad, for example:

Instagram feed ads

Stories ads

Story ads are available on both Facebook and Instagram, which appear between users’ stories. These are full-screen ads and great for capturing attention with immersive content.

Here’s an example of a story ad on Meta:

Meta Stories ads

Messenger ads

You can also decide to place your ads in the Messenger app. They can either as sponsored messages or in the chat feed, while offering a personal touch.

Take a look at this Messenger ad example:

Meta Messenger ad

Audience Network ads

Meta Audience Network is a unique tool that extends your ads’ reach to third-party apps and websites. You can use it to increase visibility beyond Facebook and Instagram.

Let’s see how an Audience Network ad might look like: 

Meta Audience Network ad

Main Meta ads policies

Meta’s ad policies make sure that ads are okay to run on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger. They essentially should comply with Meta’s community standards. Generally, the platform aims to restrict content that promotes hate speech, violence, or illegal activities. 

There are also certain types of content, such as adult products, weapons, and misleading claims, that are not allowed in Meta ads.

Advertisers must not discriminate against individuals or groups in their targeting practices. In addition, ads related to credit, employment, or housing are subject to special targeting restrictions.

Overall, your ads must be clear, genuine, and not misleading. Any claims made in the ads should be substantiated with evidence.

Here’s what you need to know and watch out for:

  • Content rules: No swearing, too much skin, or false info in ads.
  • Personal attributes: Don’t make assumptions in ads about personal traits.
  • Sensational content: Stay away from content that’s too shocking or violent.
  • COVID-19: There are specific rules for content about COVID-19.
  • Cryptocurrencies: Only certain crypto ads are allowed.
  • Dating services: There are specific rules for dating service ads.
  • Addiction treatment: Specific rules apply to ads for drug and alcohol treatment.
  • Online gaming and gambling: There are rules for gambling and gaming ads.
  • Personal health and appearance: Ads shouldn’t make people feel bad about themselves or promise unrealistic results.
  • Alcohol: There are rules about ads for alcohol.
  • Political issues: There are specific rules for ads about politics or social issues.
  • Rules for Specific Platforms:

There are also rules for branded content, sales, pages, events, and messages on Meta platforms.

For more details, check out Meta’s Business Help Centre.

How LeadsBridge can boost your Meta ad campaigns

If you want to manage your Meta ads better, you can link them to your data technology stack (your CRM, autoresponder, email marketing apps, etc).

This makes everything more efficient, improves data accuracy, helps provide a better customer experience, and could boost your sales. By building these automated data bridges, you automate tasks and don’t have to switch between different systems all the time.

Integrating your Meta ads with LeadsBridge can help you achieve all of these. LeadsBridge connects your Meta ads with various marketing and sales tools.

Let’s take a look at some ways that LeadsBridge can change the way you run your Meta ads:

Lead ads integrations

These let you automatically sync lead data from Meta ads to your CRM, email marketing software, or any other marketing tool. In addition to scoring your leads and segmenting them into appropriate groups, these integrations save time and reduce manual errors.

You can try out our most popular integrations for Facebook lead ads and Instagram lead ads using our free-forever plan. You don’t even need a credit card, only sign up, and you can start syncing your leads in real time.   

Keep in mind that to sync a larger quantity of leads, you’ll have to sign up for a paid plan that best suits your business’s needs. Take a look at the LeadsBridge plans here:

Audience targeting integrations

An interconnected data ecosystem lets you access all the information about your existing customers, prospects, leads, and audiences. This 360-degree view lets you create better-targeted audiences as a result of syncing your CRM segments with Meta ads.

Then, you can make sure your ads reach the most relevant users while being able to nurture them and follow up with your campaigns at the right time. Here’s more on how to build your email list on Facebook and Instagram.

To achieve this, however, it’s best to leverage Meta’s many specialized tools like custom audiences and conversion leads performance goal. Then, integrate them into your preferred marketing apps in order to access all your data in a centralized data hub.

Conversions API integrations

Integrating Conversions API for CRM brings a lot of value to your marketing efforts. It sends data back to Meta about which leads have converted based on the latest information in your CRM.

Creating this connection helps Meta optimize your campaigns to perform even better. Essentially, it tracks user interactions on your website directly from your server to Meta, without needing cookies.

This means you get a clearer picture of your audience’s behavior and a more accurate measure of how well your online campaigns are doing. What’s more, it makes the entire process of your campaign optimization smarter and more practical.

Don’t see the integrations that you need? LeadsBridge also offers tailor-made integrations to meet your unique business needs. Request a custom integration here.

What to take away from this?

Meta ads are a powerful advertising tool in the toolkit of any digital advertiser. Despite their popularity, not everyone knows about the exact anatomy of a Facebook ad, what Meta ad placements are, or how to adhere to their policies.

Learning about these allows you to get on the good side of Meta’s algorithm while creating ads that truly engage users and drive results. Integrating your Meta ads with your CRM through LeadsBridge can take your marketing efforts to the next level.  

Ready to automate your lead data synchronization and improve your audience targeting? Explore LeadsBridge’s integration solutions with Meta ads and start optimizing your marketing strategy today.

Elena Mazaheri

Elena Mazaheri is a freelance writer and content marketer specializing in serving SaaS, Education, and eCommerce brands. Her expertise lies in product-led storytelling and creating compelling content that elevates brands and connects with audiences

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