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How to run Facebook ads for clients: The ultimate guide for agencies & freelancers

how to run facebook ads for clients

Running Facebook ads for a client is often one of the first big projects freelancers and new agencies take on. This kind of project can be very rewarding, both in terms of money and experience. For example, a client might want to get more customers and may have tried running ads before, only to find them too costly.

Before we jump into how to run Facebook ads for clients, it’s important to talk about one key thing: your advertising campaigns’ outcome. Facebook ads can only improve what’s already there. They can’t make a bad ad strategy great. Setting realistic expectations with your clients is essential so as to avoid problems later on.

Treating Facebook ads as a test is a smart approach since there’s no guarantee you’ll get it right immediately. This testing phase is valuable because it helps clients figure out if they should invest more in Facebook ads or try other marketing channels that might work better for them.

In this article, we’ll talk about how to start running Facebook ads for clients, along with tools and strategies you need to know beforehand. Speaking of testing, you can set up a streamlined data management system in order to avoid losing those hard-earned leads using automated data bridges. LeadsBridge lets you use these Facebook integrations for free to help you jumpstart your advertising.

How to start running Facebook ads for clients: A step-by-step guide

Facebook ads can be very effective, but their success depends on several things. These include;

  • How comfortable the client is with promoting their brand aggressively;
  • Whether their products or services are profitable enough; 
  • And, most importantly, how well you have set up your ads.

Understanding these elements is necessary for running successful Facebook ad campaigns for clients. Here’s what you need to get started with your very first campaign.

Step 1: Study your client’s business and audience

You might have received a rough outline of your clients’ KPIs, products, and objectives, especially in terms of marketing ROI (return on investment) related to your services.

It can seem time-consuming and tedious to fully understand your client’s business, so it’s often rushed or skipped. However, this shouldn’t be the case.

Before you create any ad, you must get a complete sense of your client’s business objectives and target audience. Here’s what you can do:

  • Research your client’s business industry, its impact on the sector, and its competitors.
  • Take a deep dive into your client’s business culture, voice, and product.
  • Study and learn to empathize with your client’s customer base. Understand their problem and how the product you are going to advertise can solve it.
  • Use this data to plan your upcoming initiatives.

You can also use tools like Semrush to increase your research’s granularity.

Facebook ads for clients

Step 2: Set up your Business Manager account

If you haven’t already, set up a Meta Business Manager account. This is important for managing multiple ad accounts and clients.

  1. Go to Meta Business Manager.
Meta business manager
  1. Click on “Create an account” and follow the instructions.
  2. Add your clients’ ad accounts and pages to your Meta Business Manager.

Step 3: Create an Ad account on behalf of your client

  1. In Business Manager, navigate to “Ad Accounts” and click on “Add New Ad Account.”
  2. Choose “Create a New Ad Account” and fill in the required details.
  3. Then, assign your client’s business page to this ad account.

Step 4: Install the Facebook Pixel

The Facebook Pixel is a piece of code that you place on your client’s website. Later on, this will help you track conversions and optimize your ads.

  1. In the Meta Business Manager, go to “Pixels” and click “Add.”
  2. Follow the setup instructions to install the pixel on your client’s website.

Step 5: Create your first campaign

  1. Go to Meta Ads Manager and click on “Create.”
Create a new campaign on Facebook ads for clients
  1. Choose the objective that aligns with your client’s goals (e.g., Traffic, Conversions).
  2. Set your campaign name, budget, and schedule.

Learn more how to create your first Facebook lead ad campaign here.

Step 6: Configure your Ad Set

  1. Define your audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.
Create a lead ads campaign on Facebook ads for clients
  1. Choose the placements where you want your ads to appear (Facebook Feed, Instagram, etc.).
  2. Set your budget and schedule for the ad set.

Step 7: Create your ad

  1. Select the ad format (single image, carousel, video, etc.).
  2. Upload your creative assets (images, videos).
  3. Write compelling ad copy and add a strong call to action.
  4. Review your ad and click “Publish.”

Step 8: Manage your lead data

Facebook stores your incoming lead data. However, you’ll need to download your Facebook lead data within 90 days or they’ll be automatically deleted.

But a lead that has dated about three months is as good as lost. This is to say, much of successful advertising is about lead nurturing, which should ideally happen within 5 minutes of the first contact. 

So how do you do that for every single incoming lead? By defining workflows that trigger automated responses when a conversion milestone is met.

Discover how to create a Facebook Ads funnel that converts.

How to successfully run Facebook ads for clients: Top tips

You’ve learned how to run ads for clients on Facebook. Now, put your knowledge into action! It’s time to apply what you’ve learned and start scaling your Facebook advertising.

Keep in mind that running ads is a constantly changing process. You’ll need to stay proactive in tuning and optimizing your campaigns, as well as gathering piles of data for your future Facebook ads.

1. Continuously monitor and optimize your Ads

Once your ads are live, you should try monitoring their performance regularly. Use Meta Ads Manager to track key metrics like CTR (click-through rate), CPC (cost per click), and conversions.

Additionally, Facebook Conversions API for CRM integrations help monitor and optimize your ads by;

  • Providing accurate data tracking
  • Improving ad targeting
  • And supporting your optimization efforts.

These lead to better attribution, more effective audience targeting, and improved ad performance overall. Once you have gathered enough data-based insights, adjust your targeting, ad creative, or budget.

Here’s more on how to optimize your Facebook ads.

2. Improve your targeting

Targeting options on Facebook are the real deal when it comes to lead generation. They help advertisers reach people interested in their offering or who have recently searched for related content. Your options include:

  • New customers: Target based on interests, location, and behaviors.
  • Custom audiences: Target users who have visited your website, used your app, are on your customer list, or engaged with your content.
  • Lookalike audiences: Use custom audiences to find new people similar to your existing customers with Advantage lookalike.

To do this effectively, you’ll need to automatically connect your CRM to custom audiences to provide the platform with enough information.

When creating a lead ad, you’ll be given the option to set your performance goal. Conversion leads optimization performance goal lets you share data from your CRM to target higher-quality leads.

Even if your CRM already gets lead info, connect it to send data back to Meta to improve your campaign’s targeting precision. However, you’ll need to implement the Facebook Conversions API for CRM before using this feature.

3. Implement automation

Connect your CRM with Meta. This setup sends the lead data from your client’s ad campaigns to Meta. Consequently, it helps you optimize for better quality leads instead of just a high quantity.

The automatically synced lead data can be sorted by interest level, demographics, and interaction history, making your management and marketing much more effective.

LeadsBridge helps connect your ads on Meta to your CRM system and other marketing apps. This integration automates data transfer between Meta and your marketing platforms, making your lead management seamless and efficient. So anything from building automated email lists to scoring your leads becomes effortless.


Facebook ads are attractive for two main reasons: Meta’s comprehensive advertising toolkits and the high-performing ecosystem in terms of engagement and conversion.

Running Facebook ads for clients requires a clear understanding of their goals, careful planning, and ongoing optimization. By following this step-by-step guide and implementing the tips provided, you’ll be well-equipped to create successful ad campaigns for your clients.

Ready to take your Facebook ads to the next level? Discover LeadsBridge solutions for agencies and unlock the full potential of your campaigns here.

Elena Mazaheri

Elena Mazaheri is a freelance writer and content marketer specializing in serving SaaS, Education, and eCommerce brands. Her expertise lies in product-led storytelling and creating compelling content that elevates brands and connects with audiences

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