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How to receive Facebook leads email notifications for instant follow-up

Facebook lead ads is a valuable tool for B2B and B2C businesses. They help gather lead information rather than solely promoting quick sales.

However, the true value lies in the information you collect from these ads and how you make the most of it!

You’ll need to follow up with leads quickly. So, having the right Facebook lead notification software in place to get instant form notifications sent to your email fast— without relying on manual data syncs— is the best way to maximize conversions and momentum from your lead ads. 

That’s what this post is all about— we’re going to take a look at how to receive Facebook lead ads email notifications for free so that your sales team will be able to respond and act right away.

Why you should be using Facebook leads ads 

As a quick recap, in case you’re unfamiliar with Facebook lead ads, they offer numerous benefits that you can take advantage of.

These ads, when clicked, open a native, mobile-friendly instant form that Facebook will auto-fill user data as much as possible. The fields usually contain a few custom qualifying questions along with the user’s name and contact information.

An example of Facebook Lead Ads

These ads can give you great reach and leverage Facebook’s incredibly powerful targeting and retargeting systems. It’s a great way to capture lead information so that you can keep users moving through the funnel.

They also make your advertising relatively cost-effective. 

How much does it cost to get a lead on Facebook?

Meta allows its users to buy Facebook Ads on any budget. So that advertisers like yourself can promote their campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, and Audience Network using a variety of techniques. 

That’s why understanding how pricing works in Meta’s ad auction helps you set a budget that suits your needs.

In 2023, Facebook Ads cost around $0.94 per click and $12.07 per 1000 impressions (on average). Keep in mind that these costs can vary depending on factors like your industry, campaign goals, and the bidding method you choose, such as CPC or CPM.

And if you’re running campaigns for more than 200,000 people, you can still control the price with different methods. Meta offers unique features that let you balance reach and frequency of buying for this audience size. 

All these features contribute to better-controlled ad delivery at a fixed cost. To top that up, it lets you select the audience size, frequency, and sequence of ad views up to six months ahead.

Why you need Facebook leads email notifications 

Facebook lead ads can bring in high-quality leads at scale, giving you a significant volume of contacts to follow up with.

It’s imperative, however, to have Facebook instant form notifications set up so that your sales team is always alerted about incoming leads.

Otherwise, it’s easy to miss them. The data syncing process is not automated on its own, and without proper Facebook lead notification software and integrations, you can end up needing to rely on manual downloads and transfers to your CRM software. 

This process takes time, and may mean that you’re going to wait (unknowingly) 24 hours between a lead filling out a form and your team responding to it. And that’s assuming that a download of the data isn’t missed, or that there aren’t lags over the weekend or a holiday. 

Facebook instant form notifications going straight to your email, however, are a game changer. Your sales team will get email alerts letting them know when new lead information comes in so they can call right away.

For example, a few months ago, I saw a lead ad for a Pilates studio in my neighborhood. I’d been contemplating joining, and this offered a free class. So I filled out the instant form… and got a text within minutes asking if we could do a call to set up the intro offer.

SMS interaction example

If they’d called a week later, I probably wouldn’t have had that same level of enthusiasm, and I might have even found a more responsive competitor. They gained a monthly client because of prompt attention to a lead ad. 

What is Facebook lead notification software?

Facebook lead notification software is a tool designed to automatically notify you when your Facebook campaigns generate new leads. The software ensures that these leads receive the best treatment from your side. 

For example, sending them an instant welcome email, the ebook you promised in your lead ad campaign, or an appointment confirmation. Or, enter these leads into automated follow-up segments. 

By taking the right action at the right time, you are able to nurture the interest of your potential customers and potentially improve your conversion rates. 

In addition to automating the process of capturing leads generated from Facebook Ads, LeadsBridge offers free Facebook lead notification software. This tool instantly notifies you on your phone about incoming leads. 

Using a combination of LeadsBridge’s Facebook lead ads integration and Email Notification ensures that every lead is immediately accessible to your sales teams, CRM tools, email marketing services, and more. And the best part is that all these processes happen without manual intervention.

Benefits of using Facebook lead notification software

  • As soon as a lead submits their information through a Facebook Ad, the business is notified.
  • It allows you to contact leads while their interest is high with a prompt response.
  • It streamlines the sales process and improves your lead management strategy.
  • Automating lead notifications and integrating them with other business tools helps reduce manual tasks. 
  • The software enables businesses to track the performance of their Facebook Ad campaigns in real-time. 
  • While improving lead conversion rates and streamlining the sales process, it can also reduce the cost per acquisition.
  • It ensures that your business can manage your leads effectively, regardless of their volume.

How do I get Facebook leads email notifications for free?  

Want to find a way to get Facebook lead ads email notifications free

LeadsBridge can help. We know that you’re already paying per lead, so we don’t want to increase your costs overall. We offer a free Facebook email integration that allows you to have all new lead ad forms instantly sent to the email of your choice.

Best practices for Facebook lead form email notifications

The importance of receiving Facebook lead email notifications is based on a single factor: Speed to lead. Following up with leads quickly and effectively is essential for turning them into customers.

Let’s explain this notion with numbers. The average B2B business takes 42 hours to respond to leads! Only 27% of leads are contacted, and less than 25% of companies call their web leads. Meanwhile, 82% of consumers expect a response within 10 minutes.

However, getting in touch with your leads doesn’t necessarily mean conversion. Below, you can find some simple tips to improve how you and your team react when receiving Facebook lead form email notifications:

1. Respond quickly

This one is a no-brainer. Send email notifications immediately after a lead fills out a form. The sooner you respond, the more likely you are to engage them while they’re still interested.

2. Personalize your emails

Use the lead’s name and any other details they provided to make your email feel more personal. This helps build a connection and makes the lead feel valued. In fact, personalized emails boast a 29% open rate and a 41% click-through rate.

3. Keep it short and sweet

Make your emails easy to read. Long paragraphs and complex language are often deemed uninteresting to average readers. Also, make sure your main message and call to action (CTA) are clear and visible.

4. Use a strong call to action

Have a clear and compelling CTA in every email. This is important from a UX point of view. Whether it’s scheduling a call, visiting a page, or downloading something, make the next step obvious and easy.

5. Make it mobile-friendly

Many people check emails on their phones (roughly about 1.7 Billion People). So having your emails looking good on all devices is a must. It could be simple layouts, large fonts, easy-to-tap buttons, and anything else you know your audience finds appealing.

6. Create a follow-up sequence

One email is often not enough. Develop a sequence of follow-up emails to keep leads engaged. For example, you can mix in educational content, case studies, and special offers.

7. Test and improve

Regularly test different parts of your emails, like subject lines and CTAs. Use A/B testing to see what works best, and keep on improving based on your results.

How to automate Facebook lead ads notification via LeadsBridge

LeadsBridge is designed to work for businesses of all sizes. No matter, if you’re a small business receiving a few, leads a day or a large enterprise handling thousands. LeadsBridge integrations are scalable. 

Our platform uses a tiered system so that you can decide what’s best for your business without sacrificing performance or efficiency. Setting up your Facebook email integration with LeadsBridge is free, fast, and easy. It just takes a few clicks.

See how to set up your Facebook email integration. (You can also check out the documentation for this integration here). 

Once set up, the process is instantaneous and automatic. There are no more manual transfers involved, and no more waiting.

Facebook leads email notification example

The best part is that you’re not at risk for human error of forgetting to download lead data, forgetting to upload it, or forgetting to check it out in your CRM.

Email alerts ensure that no one on your team will miss a lead generation or conversion event. This means you can follow up right away at peak user engagement, increasing the odds of a conversion overall. 

There’s also flexibility here in how you want to use the integration.

Want to have those emails go to a department head so that they can assign leads as they come in? You can do that. You can also have it go to a single salesperson if you choose. 

We can help support whatever system works to have your team follow up with Facebook leads quickly. 

Get Facebook lead notifications sent to Gmail

If you’re using an email provider such as Gmail, we’ve got you covered. You can get your Facebook lead ads notifications sent to your Gmail account in just a few clicks.

Here is a complete guide on how to send your leads from Facebook lead ads to Gmail with a LeadsBridge integration.

How to connect Facebook leads to your email marketing campaign software

If you’re managing your campaigns through an email marketing tool, LeadsBridge offers easy solutions to help you connect your Facebook leads to your email marketing campaign software in no time.

This way, as soon as a user fills out your lead ad form on Facebook, their data is automatically sent to your email marketing software. Then, it triggers an automated email to get in touch with your newly acquired lead right away.

Here’s a list of our most popular integrations between Facebook lead ads and some of the best email marketing software.

How does Facebook instant form notifications work?

So, how can you follow up on Facebook lead ads with custom notifications as soon as they submit a form? The short answer is by creating a Facebook lead ads-email notification data bridge.

Once integrated, LeadsBridge’s Email notification tool instantly sends you an email notification when someone completes your Facebook instant form. This allows you to access their information and reach out immediately. 

All you have to do is connect this tool to your Facebook account. Then, you or your sales representative get emails containing your lead’s details upon sign-up.

With LeadsBridge’s Facebook-Email integrations, you can make sure your lead management is effective right from the top of your funnel. And you know what that could lead to? A higher success rate, automating lengthy workflows, and transforming prospects into paying clients, all without incurring additional costs.

Three alternatives to email for Facebook instant form notifications  

Not sure how you feel about getting messages in your Gmail inbox with lead data?

There are several alternatives to email for instant form integrations that still make it easy for your team to be notified quickly. 

Now that you know how Facebook instant form notifications work, let’s review some of the best alternative integrations for Facebook leads email notifications.

Facebook lead ads & SMS notification integrations

If you don’t want an email, your team can receive an SMS message on their business line instead. We offer several options for this, but the most popular is our lead ads & SMS Notifications integration. (See how it works here). 

In terms of alternatives to email for Facebook instant form notifications, this is probably the best and most direct option.

Connect Facebook leads to Slack

If your team uses Slack for internal communications, this is a great option to consider. You can send new leads to specific channels or team members, and team members can get mobile alerts during their working hours. Check out our Facebook and Slack integration, or see how it works here. 

Not a Slack user? We’ve got a similar integration. 

Connect Facebook leads to your CRM

Some businesses rely heavily on their CRM to assign incoming leads. If that’s the case, you can set up a data sync and notifications with any of our Facebook ad and CRM integrations

Setting up automatic Email Notification-Facebook lead ads workflows

Yes, you can also set up an automatic Email Notification – Facebook lead ads data bridge the easy way. LeadsBridge has an in-app email receipt feature to track your lead generation efforts. Simply select this option for any of our integrations.

After setting up the bridge, find the “Do you want to receive an email notification for each lead coming in?” button at the bottom of the page. Use the toggle switch next to it to activate the feature. 

automatic Email Notification-Facebook Lead Ads

Once activated, you’ll begin receiving email notifications for incoming leads in your inbox. This feature is designed to give you and your team a head start on your follow-ups.

Remember, this feature is available for free on All our integrations, which you can select when creating the bridge_ one of the many perks of having a LeadsBridge account.

Final thoughts 

If you want to get the most— or anything!— out of your Facebook lead ads, you need the right integrations to help make that happen.

Setting up Facebook lead ads email notifications for free can ensure that your team never misses a single lead and that you can reach out before the opportunity is gone. 

Sales move fast, and leads move even faster. Make sure that you’re prepared to close the deal as soon as you can by getting the leads to your team as fast as possible.

Our free Facebook lead ads email notifications integration is the best way to make that happen, and it just takes a few minutes.

Ready to convert more leads faster than ever? See how to set up your Facebook lead ads email notification integration. 

Ana Gotter

Ana is a strategic content marketer specializing in business, finance, and marketing writing, though she's worked across a range of industries. She works from her home in Orlando with her three dogs and can be contacted at

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