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How to use HubSpot with Facebook ads & across other Meta technologies

How to use Hubspot with Facebook Ads

Meta ad campaigns are great for growing your email list, getting people to sign up for webinars, and generating leads for your business. But the more leads you get, the easier it is to lose them if you’re exporting them manually, especially since they get deleted after 90 days. 

With the help of automation, however, you won’t lose any leads. 

HubSpot has its own native integrations. But even they suggest using LeadsBridge integrations to connect HubSpot to Facebook ads as well as other Meta platforms like Instagram . 

The main reason is the higher efficiency that LeadsBridge can offer by automatically adding your leads to HubSpot as soon as they come in. Integrating these platforms can also streamline your processes and boost conversion rates. 

This guide will walk you through the steps to connect Facebook ads to HubSpot, explore the benefits of various integrations, and show you how to maximize your marketing efforts using LeadsBridge solutions, such as:

Why use HubSpot for managing your Facebook ad campaigns 

HubSpot is a comprehensive marketing platform with 216,840 customers across 135+ countries. It offers a suite of tools designed to help businesses attract, engage, and delight customers.

Over the years, software companies have developed CRM systems packed with features to help businesses manage their customer relationships.

The most practical CRMs like HubSpot offer features like tracking customer interactions, communication, sales, marketing, automation, content management, team collaboration, internal communications, online meetings, webinars, surveys, and subscription management, among others.

HubSpot for managing your Facebook ad campaigns 

All these features together help businesses break down information barriers and streamline communication with branded templates, push notifications, reminders, and more. While there are many excellent CRMs available, only a few are truly suitable for managing social media campaigns. Take Facebook lead ads, for example. 

Here are some of the top benefits of HubSpot – Facebook ads integration, because HubSpot allows you to:

Manage your Ad campaigns effectively

You can manage and track the performance of your Facebook ads directly from HubSpot. This integration simplifies the process, allowing you to oversee your campaigns without switching platforms.

A centralized hub for your lead data

All lead information collected through Facebook ads is automatically synchronized with your HubSpot CRM. This ensures your data is always up-to-date and easily accessible.

Running automated follow-ups

Use HubSpot’s automation tools to send personalized follow-up emails or assign leads to sales representatives based on predefined criteria.

Easily analyze your ads’ performance

HubSpot provides robust analytics tools to measure the effectiveness of your Facebook ads. This helps you understand which campaigns are driving the most engagement and conversions.

Discover more about how to use HubSpot for lead generation in this article.

How to connect Facebook ads to HubSpot with integrations

Integrating Facebook ads with HubSpot can be done either through native HubSpot integrations or third-party solutions like LeadsBridge. How do you choose the best solution for you? You should first explore both options.

How to set up native HubSpot integrations

HubSpot offers built-in integrations that allow you to connect your Facebook ads account directly to HubSpot. This is a native integration that lets you use Hubspot with ads across Meta technologies (Facebook & Instagram). It is straightforward and includes features like:

  • Automatically importing leads from Facebook lead ads into your HubSpot CRM.
  • Monitoring the performance of your ads campaigns across other Meta technologies within HubSpot.
  • Creating and managing Facebook custom audiences based on your HubSpot contact lists.

Setting up the native integration is also easy. All you have to do is follow these steps:

Step 1: Navigate to your HubSpot account. Then, go to the Marketing section and select Ads.

How to connect Facebook ads to HubSpot with integrations

Step 2: Connect your Facebook account by clicking on “Connect Account” and logging in to your Facebook account.

How to connect Facebook ads to HubSpot with integrations

Step 3: Authorize HubSpot by granting HubSpot the necessary permissions to access your Facebook ads data.

How to connect Facebook ads to HubSpot with integrations

Step 4: Configure your settings to ensure the leads you want are automatically synced to your HubSpot CRM.

How to connect Facebook ads to HubSpot with integrations

Step 5: Add tracking to the mix by installing a pixel. Once completed, click Next and you’ll be redirected to your personalized dashboard. 

How to connect Facebook ads to HubSpot with integrations

How to set up third-party HubSpot integrations via LeadsBridge

HubSpot’s native integrations are powerful. However, third-party solutions like LeadsBridge offer more features and flexibility when it comes to all the connections you can build between HubSpot and other apps.

LeadsBridge provides seamless integrations between Facebook ads and HubSpot that can better support your marketing efforts.

Benefits of using LeadsBridge

  • LeadsBridge ensures that all lead data from Facebook ads is synchronized with HubSpot in real-time for immediate follow-up.
  • This connection cuts out the manual processes, and so reduces the risk of data loss.
  • Using the right integrations, you can create highly targeted custom audiences based on detailed segmentation from your HubSpot CRM.
  • Tracking conversions and attributing them to your Facebook Ads campaigns using the Facebook Conversions API for CRM.

Now, let’s discuss the top HubSpot Facebook ads integrations by LeadsBridge.

Facebook lead ads and HubSpot integration

The integration with lead ads across Meta solutions via LeadsBridge allows you to streamline the entire process. For instance, use the Facebook lead ads HubSpot integration to collect leads data. Then automatically import them into your HubSpot CRM, where you can nurture them.

Here’s how it works:

  • Real-time lead data sync

As soon as a lead fills out a form on your across other Meta technologies (Facebook and Instagram), the data is instantly transferred to HubSpot.

  • Automated workflows

Use HubSpot’s automation features to trigger workflows based on new lead submissions. The HubSpot workflows can be as simple as sending welcome emails or assigning leads to sales reps.

  • Lead nurturing

Enrich your leads with additional data points from HubSpot. Besides increasing your odds of conversion, this will provide your sales team with comprehensive information for follow-ups.

Here’s how to set up Facebook lead ads and HubSpot integration.

Facebook Conversions API for CRM and HubSpot integration

Integrating HubSpot and Facebook Conversions API for CRM through LeadsBridge enables you to keep tabs on your Facebook ads campaigns.

Once you connect your Meta ad account to HubSpot, you can use an existing Facebook Pixel to enable Conversions API for CRM. This syncs your website data and ad conversions with Meta.

Sharing this data with Facebook gives you better insight into how customers interact with your brand, helping you optimize your ads.

This integration offers two major benefits:

  • Accurate attribution

Tracking your buyers’ behavior right from the first touchpoint can help you gain insights into the performance of your ads.

  • Enhanced targeting

Use the data collected through the Conversions API for CRM to refine your existing ad targeting strategy and build high-performing campaigns in the future.

Audience targeting through HubSpot integrations

Creating Facebook custom audiences based on your HubSpot contact lists is a powerful way to reach existing customers or exclude certain segments from your campaigns.

Retargeting is another strategy that can be used after implementing the Facebook custom audience HubSpot integration. This connection allows you to bring back visitors who didn’t complete an action on your website, like those who abandoned their cart. 

You can also remarket to people who engaged with your ads or took specific actions but haven’t converted yet. Once you’ve created your custom audiences, you can also use them in your ad campaigns across Meta technologies (Facebook & Instagram) to retarget visitors and improve conversions.

Lookalike audiences is another option you can use to reach new potential customers similar to your existing ones.

Additionally, audience exclusions help you maximize your ad budget by removing those unlikely to convert, ensuring your ads reach the right people.

With LeadsBridge, you can:

  • Keep your custom audiences up-to-date with real-time data from HubSpot.
  • Use detailed segmentation criteria from HubSpot to create highly targeted audiences for your Facebook ads.
  • Targeting the right audience helps you reduce ad spend and increase conversion rates, and so maximize your return on investment.

Using the Conversion leads performance goal while creating your Facebook ad campaign allows you to narrow your focus on getting high-quality leads. These are essentially people who are more likely to become customers.

By integrating this feature through LeadsBridge, your lead data from Meta Platforms is automatically synced with your CRM. This integration helps you manage leads efficiently and boosts your chances of converting them into actual sales.

Keep in mind that you need to implement the Facebook Conversions API for CRM beforehand so you can take full advantage of this feature. 

Wondering what else HubSpot integrates with? Learn more about it here.

Final thoughts

Meta Ads open up a world of possibilities for marketers looking to get more leads. Integrating HubSpot with Meta will streamline these processes and improve the overall performance of these marketing campaigns.

The advanced integrations that LeadsBridge offers also help you manage your ad campaigns even more effectively. This includes automated lead follow-ups and gaining deeper insights into your performance.

Discover the benefits of LeadsBridge’s integrations for yourself and start optimizing your campaigns today by building a HubSpot Facebook ads integration.

Elena Mazaheri

Elena Mazaheri is a freelance writer and content marketer specializing in serving SaaS, Education, and eCommerce brands. Her expertise lies in product-led storytelling and creating compelling content that elevates brands and connects with audiences

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