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The complete guide to automotive CRM in 2024

The ultimate guide to automotive CRMs

An automotive CRM is different from just any customer management software. It’s a must-have tool for any business in the industry that wants to effectively convert their leads into actual sales. 

In the past, “traditional” lead management typically meant manual processes. Working with paper records, filling in spreadsheets, and running follow-ups driven by instinct instead of data-driven insights. 

These outdated methods can easily set a business up for failure. Mostly, due to inefficient lead data handling, slow response times, and poor tracking of customer interactions.

Another factor is automation. For example, just being able to integrate your CRM with Facebook gives your advertising a huge competitive advantage. This connection translates into precise targeting and real-time lead capture directly from ads, as well as running timely follow-ups. 

In this article, we’ll discuss what makes for a great CRM and how automated CRM integrations can help you access the full potential of your advertising on platforms like Facebook in 2024.

What is automotive CRM software? 

An automotive CRM (customer relationship management) is a specialized software solution designed to assist car companies in managing customer service, sales, and marketing efforts. 

It has the exact tools a dealership needs to gather leads, manage a multi-channel automotive sales strategy, and build stronger customer relationships.

Automotive CRM vs. standard CRM systems

The difference between automotive CRM software and a generic CRM is in their design. The CRMs dedicated to automotive focus on features essential for businesses in this industry. This includes vehicle inventory management, service appointment scheduling, and integration with automotive-specific sales channels. 

This specialization allows dealers to manage the entire customer lifecycle from the very first contact through post-sale services. 

Why use automotive CRM software?

About a quarter (23.5%) of potential car buyers aren’t followed up within 24 hours. Out of these, 13.3% are never entered into the customer management system. This means dealers could lose 37% of their online leads because of these follow-up and record-keeping problems. 

Using one of the best CRMs for the automotive industry has a number of benefits that you cannot get in generic CRM systems. For starters, it ensures that dealerships can operate better. Also, it gives them access to tools that streamline processes like scheduling test drives, managing trade-ins, and following up on leads.

Let’s take a quick look at how a specialized CRM can have a profound impact on the core aspects of dealership operations:

Automotive CRM for sales 

This CRM centralizes customer data and interactions so sales teams can better track leads, understand customer preferences, and close deals faster. 

Automated features like follow-up reminders and personalized communication templates are other useful tool sets. They help maintain customer engagement and minimize opportunities for sales to fall through.

Automotive CRM for customer service 

From organizing service schedules to tracking vehicle maintenance histories and alerting customers to upcoming service needs, almost all your operations can be streamlined. This is a proactive management strategy that improves customer satisfaction and could well lead to higher customer loyalty and retention rates.

Automotive CRM for marketing 

The marketing department can segment customer databases, which lets them target marketing campaigns based on specific criteria. These targeted campaigns are conversion-oriented and can significantly increase the ROI of marketing efforts.

Main features to look for in an automotive CRM

When running an automotive business, you need a smooth process that quickly converts online leads into actual sales. A high-performing CRM can help you achieve this level of operation.

Here are the aspects your CRM of choice needs to cover:

  1. Lead management with efficient tools to capture and track leads from various sources. This lets you quickly respond to potential customers and convert their interest into sales.
  2. Customer segmentation based on their preferences, purchase history, and behavior so that you can engage them better.
  3. Integrating inventory management for real-time tracking of vehicle stock levels, features, and pricing, and finally, seamless sales processes.
  4. Automate marketing tasks like email campaigns, social media postings, targeted ads, and anything else to reach your potential buyers.
  5. Automating sales process, from initial contact to closing the deal. It should include features like deal structuring, quotations, and financing options.
  6. Service schedules and reminders that help improve the workflows in your customer service department. This one is a big deal when it comes to boosting your customer satisfaction and retention.
  7. Mobile accessibility for salespeople on the move via a mobile app or mobile-friendly design.
  8. Analytics and reporting tools that allow tracking sales trends, customer behavior, and campaign effectiveness.
  9. Customer support tools with features like live chat, customer support ticketing, and feedback collection to build long-term relationships with customers.
  10. Data security and compliance to protect sensitive customer and business information.
  11. Customization and scalability to meet your current needs while growing your business.
  12. The ability to integrate with other tools and platforms, such as Facebook, email systems, and other business software, to create a seamless workflow.

The role of automotive CRM in Facebook advertising

Facebook has become a practical platform for automotive dealerships to increase sales and generate more qualified leads. 95% of car buyers start their search on the internet before buying a car. Having a dedicated CRM can help you make the most of your Facebook ads. 

However, you’ll want to make sure you’re aligned with Facebook’s regulations and the FTC car dealerships’ new lead generation rules.

When you store your data the right way, you can continue to post your inventory and actually make an impact on this platform.

Your CRM can also help you streamline your campaigns and audience targeting. Integrating CRM data with Facebook lets you easily access and organize your lead data. This information can then be the foundation for creating highly personalized ads that resonate with specific audience segments. 

This integration automatically updates customer interactions and preferences. Moreover, if your CRM offers advanced analytics, it can provide valuable insights into ad performance. Accessing this data round-the-clock is a must if you want to keep your campaigns optimized. 

All these factors combined can result in a more controlled Facebook ad spend, higher conversion rates, and, potentially, higher ROIs for your dealership. 

However, you can only fully access these benefits by creating an interconnected marketing technology stack. And how do you do that? By connecting Facebook and your CRM through automated data bridges.

Wondering how to improve your Facebook marketing? 

Best automotive CRM in 2024

When choosing the best CRM for the automotive industry in 2024, there are several high-quality options on the market. Here’s a closer look at some of the best CRMs you can use:

1. elead CRM

elead CRM helps streamline dealership operations, boost customer relationships, and manage lead data. The platform is known for its user-friendly interface and extensive reporting features. 

You can use it to monitor your sales performance and customer interactions as they happen. But you’ll need the help of the right integration to do that.

LeadsBridge helps you connect elead CRM to the top marketing apps and advertising platforms like Facebook. These integrations allow you to sync lead data between the two platforms and design targeted advertising campaigns directly from the CRM.

2. Dealersocket CRM

CRM by Dealersocket is a versatile tool that’s tailored to the automotive industry. It supports dealerships in managing customer relationships and sales processes. 

The platform also features advanced inventory management tools for your Facebook advertising. Besides, it offers tools for marketing automation and sales analytics you can use to drive sales growth. This CRM by Dealersocket can be integrated via LeadsBridge, which can markedly increase its capabilities. 

By connecting this CRM with Facebook, you’ll have access to a more sophisticated automotive lead capture system as well as real-time updates. This is the ultimate solution to having a smooth flow of information and crafting personalized marketing strategies on Facebook, among other things.

3. VinSolutions CRM

What makes Vinsolutions CRM unique is how it provides a 360-degree view of dealership interactions. It offers a number of customized solutions to accommodate every individual dealer’s needs. Learn how to get the most out of VinSolutions CRM

The CRM’s integration through LeadsBridge allows you to directly link this CRM to Facebook and automate your Facebook lead generation and lead data sync. This integration provides a great basis for robust lead management while improving the effectiveness of your digital marketing campaigns. 

Discover how to create a VinSolutions-Facebook integration via LeadsBridge.

What to take away from this? 

An automotive business traditionally relies on data, whether it’s for analyzing consumer behavior, identifying target markets, or studying competitors. Facebook’s automotive features can help you support this data-heavy process. 

This platform uses information to show the right vehicle from your inventory to the right audience. Then, it offers you the right tools to tackle each aspect of the process. The inventory ads, for instance, are specifically made for the car industry and include a unique design style, data analysis, and improved ad delivery_ all the important elements for car companies.

However, you can only access these valuable features if you help the platform understand what you need. By ‘help,’ we mean creating a seamless connection with Facebook that transfers data to and from your CRM. Besides improving your advertising experience, automated integrations can also upgrade your internal operations.

Discover all the dedicated integrations by LeadsBridge to give your automotive business the boost it needs.

Elena Mazaheri

Elena Mazaheri is a freelance writer and content marketer specializing in serving SaaS, Education, and eCommerce brands. Her expertise lies in product-led storytelling and creating compelling content that elevates brands and connects with audiences

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